Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


I knew what her name was now. It's Maddy. That might be short for something. Um, Madeleine? Madge? Madison? Only one way to find out. I had to meet her.

What time did the boys get home? I checked the time and sighed. Not until eight and it's only six. I wanted to meet her now!

How was I supposed to find her? I didn't know where she lived. But wait... Liam knew where she worked! Yeah, I'd ask him to take me there tomorrow and I could finally get her name. But what to do now for the next two hours?

I was hungry, but I didn't know how to cook. Though according to Niall, I could make a mean bowl of cereal. Whoop-dee-do.

I felt like Mac-and-cheese tonight. That's not too hard now, is it? Let's go find out.

I was pathetic. I was twenty years old and I never even bothered learning how to cook. Probably because Hazza was always around to make something. I couldn't even get past step one.

Fill a pot three quarters full and put it to a boil. How much was three quarters? And how did I turn on the flipping stove? Or was it a microwave?

That's it, I was gonna starve to death, like Niall. Or I could eat it plain.... Nah, save that for the zombie apocalypse.

As I put the box back I noticed a measuring cup. Success! I filled it with water. Step one half completed. Now to turn on the stove....

I turned a knob and jumped back. It didn't explode, so I relaxed. Was it on? Didn't look like it. I put a finger on it and yelped. I sucked on it for a bit (the finger, not the stove) and ran it under cold water. It was all red. Ow.

Step 2. While the water is boiling, take out ingredients. Um, how did I know if it's boiling? It would probably help if I actually put the pot on the heat. I stared at the pot. Was it boiling? Wait, isn't there a saying that a watched pot never boils? Alright then.

The only ingredients I'd got was a Kraft box full of hard noodles and a pack of cheese powder. Not much there.

Was it boiling yet? I thought it was; there's bubbles everywhere. Next step.

Step 3. Pour in the noodles when the pot is fully boiling and bubbles are actively rising to the top. Well, it's not there yet, but getting close it looks like. So take out the noodles....

The bubbles began to rise and I dumped the noodles into the pot. I got splashed with steaming hot water and I gritted my teeth. I was super smart. Next step.

Step 4. Drain the noodles when they soften. That's not too hard. I grabbed a fork and a strainer. After what I thought was the appropriate amount of time I stabbed a noodle with my fork and tasted it. Plenty soft. I poured the hot water and noodles into the strainer. And, yes, I was smart enough to hold the pot by the handle and put the strainer over the sink. Next step.

Step 5. Add butter and stir. There's supposed to be butter? Great timing, you stupid box. How much? It didn't say.

So I did the natural thing: I cut the long stick in half and put half of it in with the noodles and stirred until it was fully melted. Next step.

Step 6. Pour in the cheese, and make sure to use it all. That's not too hard either. Probably the easiest step.

I couldn't believe I was already on step 6, and I taught myself. Hazza would be so proud.

I pinched the corners of the packet then shook it out, making sure I was using all of the powder like the directions said. Next step.

Step 7. Pour in the milk over the mix, and stir. Now there's milk involved? How much? Of course it didn't say. Um, I think I'd use whatever amount was left. There's probably not much.

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