The Hardest Thing Ever

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Mia got down and hugged me. I blinked blankly. My throat hurt from crying, I have been crying for about 5 minutes. Finally I stopped, I cried so much I had no tears left. Crying did nothing for me. I was shaking, not able to get off the ground where I sat clutching my knees to my chest so tightly. 

" I heard. I am so sorry, I have no words to describe how you must feel right now." Mia said softly.

" I won't have Watson, or Blue Rose. I won't have any horses. I also am going to sell my tack for money. My riding days are over." I whispered.

" No, you just don't own any horses. You can still keep your tack and riding gear. There might be a horse farm where you are moving to." Mia told me.

" What is the point of keeping it? As a reminder that I gave up on both of my special horses? My dearest closest friends that I have? My only supporters that I can talk to? I would rather get rid of all my horse stuff than to put me in that position." I felt torn apart.

" Ashley what do you mean that you are giving up on your horses?" Mia asked looking puzzled.

" Watson and Blue Rose are my horses. I am getting rid of them as if they did something wrong. I don't want them to feel like Dan. Kelly just gave him his sentence of death. I don't want them to feel like that. I am giving up on them just like Kelly did. I am as bad as her." I sighed wiping my dried tears away.

" Look at me, you aren't Kelly. Trust me, you aren't. You didn't force your horse over that course. Instead you just faced the fact that it's a little too big and advanced for you and Watson. The only reason you are selling your horses are because you have to. I know that this is the worst thing for you, but they will go to a good home, and if this was Kelly's choice she probity would do what she did to Dan. Watson and Blue Rose will understand. I promise." Mia gave me a sad smile, sitting down next to me.

" You are a really good friend." I said, offering Mia a smile.

" Thanks, and you are too. That's why Watson and Blue Rose will understand that you truly love them, and always will. You are just giving them a better home that you can provide. They know that you just want them to be happy." Mia answered.

" I can't believe this is really happening." I sighed.

" Yeah, I seriously couldn't be in your shoes." Mia hugged me.

" How will I find someone who will take Watson and Blue Rose?" I felt as if apart of my life slipped down the drain. Before Mia could speak her mom jogged up to me and handed me the phone. 

" Uh hello?" I asked.

" Hi, I am Jasmine. My daughter is having a birthday coming up and she has always wanted a horse. Your parents told me that you have to sell both of your horses. I have a perfect home for Watson. Could you meet me at the stables? I would love to meet him." Jasmine said.

" Sure." I answered dryly. 

" Okay, thank you." Before the lady said anything else I hung up the phone and handed it back to Mia's mom. Mia raised an eyebrow looking at me questionably. I nodded, knowing that she heard what Jasmine said. 

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