In The Event of Rusty Hopes

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Vanitas- are you cold Bianca?
Bianca- yes I am but I like the cold thanks for your concern
Vanitas- your welcome
Dante- hey are you guys really going through with
Vanitas- of course i am we happen to know without a doubt that our target is inside this airship
Bianca- vani I sense a man with him do want me to take him out?
Vanitas- no mon chéri I want you by my side until this done Kay
Bianca- alright
Vanitas- let's go...i've got you now! Or at least I thought I had you and who the devil are you?
Noé- I might ask you both the same
Bianca- our business is with the young lady Monsieur
Vanitas- here's some friendly advice get out of our way now or you're in for a world of pain
Noé- that's not happening
Vanitas- you move well even while encumbered!
Dante- oh great here we go
Noé- a wire?
Vanitas- wha-?
Bianca- Vanitas watch out! Ahg-
Noé punch her in stomach and sending her flying while Vanitas and Dante went to check up on her while he ran away
Vanitas- Bianca! Are you okay?!
Dante- hey! You still alive you quack?
Vanitas- stop calling me quack! Look at her...
Bianca- so he's a vampire seems that we took him too lightly let's move
Vanitas- we are already out of time we I did warm you that you were in for a world of pain exactly as we anticipated the malady makes itself known
Bianca- chills that are unbearable black tears welling forth from the eyes and chest briars of shadow the malnomen within you is known as Eglantine the prison of Briars
Noé- wait what's a malnomen? I don't-
Bianca- monsieur let me heal your wounds
Noé- t-thank you Mademoiselle
Vanitas- it's what we call the tattered remains of a true name that's been corrupted by the maladies a vampire's true name is akin to life itself and hers has been tainted so the urge to drink blood which is normally easy to suppress became an uncontrollable compulsion
Bianca- there you go please stay still
Dante- come on you quack! Quit monologuing and get this done!
Vanitas- stop interrupting my thing baldy!
Dante- I am not bald!
Bianca- careful please...
Vanitas- hm?
Noé- are you a Chasseur? Sent by the church? Or perhaps you are a bourreau instead? Have you come to carry out her execution?explain yourself!
Bianca- mhm
Vanitas- pft! Me? A Chasseur? (Hunter)A Bourreau?(Executioner)That's a good one! Non!(No)I am doctor specializing in vampires and we come here this evening to cure that girl!
Noé- A blue leather cover Pages black as night a clockwork grimoire linked to a silver chain is that it? Impossible! The Book of Vanitas!
Vanitas- And Now my dear lady what do you say we return your true name to its rightful owner?
Noé- The Briars they're disintegrating
Bianca- it's beautiful right the color of blue...
Vanitas- For you are the one called Florifel the bringer of spring interesting so that is your true name after all
Bianca- and it truly suits you Mademoiselle
Dante- ugh
Amelia- My name you've restored my true name at like my last Thank You! Both!
Police 1- stop right there! Put your hands up!
Police 2- you're the ones who broke in through the observation gallery!
Dante- well great what now genius?
Vanitas- here's some friendly advice you had best stay out of our way for if you don't you're in for a world of-...pain!
Dante- Hey!
Bianca- Vanitas!(Noe gets her ankle) Monsieur why are you here let go I don't want you get hurt
Dante- Ugh!
(She pulls Vanitas up and hugs him and put his head on her breast so he can't get hurt)
Noé- It's the blue Moon
Vanitas- all that and I'm still alive?that's hilarious! But what's with this landing?
Bianca- cause you are on me...
Vanitas- Mon Chéri are you alright let me help you
Bianca- thank you vani...
Noé- stop laughing and explain yourself! What kind of ritual did you perform on that woman?
Vanitas- just a reversal I simply used The Book of Vanitas to remove the alteration formula in other words...the maladies that were corrupting her true name it was nothing really
Noé- how can you call that nothing? I mean what you did was...absolutely extraordinary! My teacher told me all about it! A true name is a Vampires life itself it's the formula that constitutes their entire existence! That's why no one must ever take it away! And you reclaimed it for her didn't you? That's incredible! Phenomenal! This means that The Book of Vanitas isn't some accursed tome like the folktales say it is!
Vanitas- I've never seen anyone look at the book with such starts in their eyes or thirst in their hearts-it's adorably ridiculous!
Noé- sorry I don't understand have i said something funny?
Bianca- we are in shocked cause everyone is afraid of  it
Vanitas- your good for a laugh I like that about you tell me what should I call you?
Noé- Noé
Vanitas- Noé child of the Ark I am called Vanitas! The Vampire of The Blue Moon Inheritor of the name and famed grimoire this lovely woman right here Is Bianca She is the first Vampire of The Pink Moon yet I am but a human! Lend us your strength Noé! With your great fighting ability and study sturdy body along with Bianca I have no doubt you would make a fine shield! Look at Bianca face she is happy to see you work with us
Bianca- yes exitced
Noé- I'd...rather not
Vanitas- wonderful! You'll start immediately!
Noé- No-
Vanitas- I'm sorry all I heard from you was a resounding yes!
Noé- hold on
Vanitas- Right? There's been a surge in rampaging vampires whose true names have been stolen by maladies if nothing is done to find the root cause then it won't be long before vampires go extinct altogether I'll see things don't go that far I will do as I please I will use my own methods it matters not who disagrees! I will save the vampires and no one will stop us! I won't stop asking Noé! Lend me your strength!
Noé- I refuse
Bianca- Vanitas if he says no then it's a no
Vanitas- But Mon Chéri(My dear)...Why?! What's the issue? Please hear us out! Once you know everything I'm sure you'll want to-huh! Now that I think about it I'm famished!
Noé- enough already you're so annoying it hurts I can't handle this here we are Vanitas Mademoiselle Bianca
Vanitas- huh!
Noé- I'll get Murr and my luggage-
Vanitas- have you lost your mind? Do you really think it's a good idea to go back to the airship?
Police1- there they are! We've spotted the intruders!
Vanitas- Zach! Mon dieu! (My god)Huh? What the devil?!
Next In the City of Flowers

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