In My World.

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I lost my way to it.

I don't even remember how it looked.

The thought of losing something so precious, yet having no memory of how it looked,

how it felt,

how it was,

It's terrifying.

Slowly but surely I keep losing myself

turning into a shadow of my former self.

I haven't completely lost hope.

I'm not the husk of flesh I think I am.

I still have that fire within me.

I KNOW I can find my way back, even if I have to go through hell and back.

The fact I am here, writing this, is enough proof of my fighting spirit.

I will not give in

I will not give up

I am the warrior I always imagined

And to hell what everyone thinks,

This is who I want to be.

This is my path back,

This is my reckoning.

I will enjoy my time,

In My World.

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