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• Sienna •

Sienna was currently doing her best to avoid both Matt and Josh. She was trying to figure out exactly what was going on in her head, and that concerned both of them. Claire had spent much of the past few days trying to convince her to ask Matt out, despite Sienna's constant reminders that she did not like Matt like that.

"You'll never know unless you try, Sienna." Claire was sprawled out across Sienna's bed, while Sienna sat at her desk, trying to write a paper for English on a book she hadn't read. The sparknotes weren't helping as much as she hoped they would.

"I do know, Claire. It's not going to happen." Claire sighed, clearly exasperated with her friend. It wasn't everyday that your best friend kisses her other best friend and then denies her feelings.

The two sat in silence for a few moments, which Sienna used to pull her book out of her bag so that she could begin to skim it. Why did she think taking AP Lit was a good idea? They were soon pulled out of their silence by a knock on the door. Definitely not Tara.

"Sienna, Matt's here." It was her dad, surprisingly. He was never home this early.

"Can you send him up?"

"Is Claire staying?"

"Yes, dad."

"Door stays open."

The sound of footsteps making their way down the stairs was heard, and then another pair going back up. The door was left open by her father, so Matt walked right in.

"Hey, Matt." Claire and Sienna said in unison. Claire sat up on the bed, while Sienna stayed trying to get something out of the book.

"Hey, Claire. Enna." Sienna finally put her book down after a moment, admitting defeat and deciding that she would just bullshit her essay later.

"What's up? You usually don't just show up?" Sienna hadn't meant it to sound rude, but after it came out of her mouth she realized that it had, in fact, sounded very rude.

"Chris and Nick are out with mom, I was bored and you weren't answering my texts." Sienna realized as he said it that she still had his notifications muted, she'd have to fix that.

"Sorry, I've been trying to do this essay."

"Oh, I can see that." He gestures towards the mounds of papers and notebooks that surrounded her laptop on her desk. It wasn't the prettiest sight.

Matt flopped down on the bed, next to Claire, who gave him a side eye glance that he didn't seem to notice. The TV remote sat next to him on the bedside table, so he grabbed it and began searching through Netflix for something to watch. Sienna and him had recently finished watching Young Royals together, so they needed a new show to watch.

"Oh, that looks good!" Claire piped up from the end of the bed where she sat. She pointed to the show Trinkets, and without a second guess, Matt clicked on it.

Sienna closed her laptop and went to sit on the bed with her friends after he'd turned it on. She had to admit, it did look pretty good from the trailers she'd seen. Claire was literally on the edge of her seat, and Sienna was worried that she would fall off the bed if she got anymore into the show. She used the time where both her friends were distracted to check her phone, mainly to see what Matt had texted her and to unmute his notifications.


Sienna never imagined that she would have Matt asleep in her bed on a Wednesday afternoon. He was laying flat on his back, which Sienna took a picture of because he teased Nick for sleeping in that position. Claire was now sitting on the floor as she had finally fallen off the bed from leaning forward too much. They were only two episodes in, so the fact that Matt was asleep was even weirder. Surely, the show wasn't that boring.

"Did you just take a picture of Matt sleeping?" Claire turned around as she heard a camera shutter again.

"Claire, look at him. He looks like a goddamn log." Claire laughed, earning a kick to her arm from her friend, who wanted to let Matt sleep.

"If you let him sleep too long you'll miss your McDonald's date. I know how you've been looking forward to it." Sienna kicked her again, a little harder this time.

"Claire, will you stop with the jokes? He's literally right there!"

"He's asleep. He's not gonna hear." Sienna sighed, clearly not loving the fact that she told her friend that she had kissed Matt. Been kissed by Matt? She didn't really know, but there had been a kiss and now Claire was using it against her every chance she got.

"Hey guys." A new voice spoke from the doorway. Sienna and Claire's glances flew to the door to see who was talking to them.

"Hey Josh. What's up?" Sienna was the first to answer, Claire was enjoying the newfound tension in the room too much to speak.

"We were gonna study tonight, but you weren't answering your texts. Your dad let me in." Sienna really hadn't thought it through when she muted both of their notifications.

"Of course, I'm sorry it must have slipped my mind. I can grab my stuff and-" The unmistakable sound of someone waking up in the middle of a very awkward situation tore Sienna's gaze away from Josh, who was also now staring at Matt.

"Enna, can you shut up? I'm tired." Matt hadn't opened his eyes, so he didn't know that Josh was also in the room. Claire hit him with a pillow and he sat up almost immediately. "Claire, shut up does not mean hit me with a pillow. Oh, hey Josh."

Josh threw an awkward wave to Matt, who was now also feeling the tension in the room. "Hey, Matt. You guys just chillin'?"

Sienna nodded, not really sure what to say. It was a weird situation for sure, her best friend whom she had kissed a few days prior sleeping in her bed and her date to the Winter Ball standing in the doorway. Not something that she would have expected on such a random day.

"We were just watching Trinkets. You can stay if you want." As Claire extended the invitation, Sienna debated throwing a pillow at her, but she decided not to. She didn't want to make Josh feel unwelcome, even though he kinda was at the moment.

Josh plopped down on the end of the bed next to Sienna, a little too close for her comfort, but she blamed it on her nerves over what was currently going on. How on Earth did her life devolve into this?

𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛&𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 • 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘Where stories live. Discover now