The Beginning

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It was the middle of the school day. Brian sat at his desk, drawing anime girls on his math homework. He was so lost in the thought of drawing these anime girls, that he just couldn't focus on anything else. When drawing the hair of one of them, he heard a whisper from beside him. It was Nathan.

“Brian!” he whispered, Brian felt his smelly, hot breath against his cheek, and quickly pulled away in embarrassment.

“W-what do you need?” God… he sounded pathetic. Brian turned away, going back to being the storm cloud he always was.

Nathan looked confused as to why Brian turned away from him. “Sir is gonna yell at you. Focus!” Brian replied with a scoff. “So what? He's an old man, what can he do?”

Nathan shrugged. “Suit yourself…” then got back to what he was doing previously.

Brian wanted to go back to drawing, but something about Nathan made him stop, and got him to listen to sir– or, half listen. He spent a while staring at Nathan. What was it about him that made Brian's heart flutter? What made him listen to Nathan? Brian pushed these thoughts away to the back of his head. He couldn't be gay! He didn't like Nathan! He curled his hands into fists and punched his desk. The noise made everyone's heads turn around. Brian closed his eyes and mumbled to himself… he just couldn't.

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