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A/n : ok sooo bad news, I totally forgot to write an epilogue for this story so I hope you guys still want it after 4 years if there's anyone still reading this well anyway... here's the epilogue

Epilogue ; The End or so they say...

"Mommy can you read me another Peter Pan story?"asked Jane Wendy's 7 year old daughter

Wendy let out a chuckle before responding

"Why of course I can," said adult wendy as she sat beside her daughter on her bed

"After the wrath of Peter Pan, Captain Hook never dared to mess with Peter Pan,"

(A/n; I'm no storyteller so if this is bad for a college student then don't judge)

"Mommy have you ever seen Peter Pan?" Asked Jane as she looked at Wendy with doe like eyes, Wendy sighed.

"I think it's time for bed sweetheart," said Wendy as she tucked jane in who relaxed snuggly in her twin sized bed, Wendy kissed Jane on the forehead before turning off the lamp as well as closing her door in her way out


"Honey I'm afraid I have bad news,"

Jerry Eisenhower, Wendy's husband of 15 years walked through the living room with something in his hand

"Is that what I think it is?" Asked Wendy as she stopped knitting before taking the envelope from her husbands hand

"I'm getting drafted for World War Two,"

After Jerry said that Wendy hugged Jerry.

"Jane is going to be very upset," said Wendy as she cried into her husbands shoulder


"Mommy, daddy, what's going on?" Asked Jane as she rubbed her eyes as she was still sleepy

"Honey... I'm afraid we have some bad news," said Wendy as she got down to janes eyes level "your father just got drafted to war,"


"Yes war," said Wendy as she stroked janes face

"Will daddy be ok?" Asked Jane as she looked at Jerry,

Wendy and Jerry both looked at each other before looking back at Jane

"I don't know sweetheart but we have to think all the positives on this one,"


"I don't want father to go to war," said Jane as she looked at Wendy with tears in her eyes "what if something happens to him?"

"I promise nothing will happen," said Wendy "now why don't you got to sleep?"

"Ok," said Jane as she went back to sleep, before Wendy could blow out the candle a hush of wind came through the open window doing the job itself, Wendy looked at the window, when she did a figure showed up,

Peter Pan looked up at Wendy slowly as he held a smile but when he looked back his smile faded

"Wendy?" Asked Peter "you shouldn't have,"

"Peter Pan, what are you doing here?" Asked Wendy

"I was going to take you on another adventure but it looks like I'm to late,"

"Mommy what's wrong?" Asked Jane as she once again rubbed her eyes before locking eyes with the boy as she smiled

"I'm Jane!"

Peter looked at the girl as he held a smile, he looked back at Wendy as he smiled at her, Jane looked at Wendy before saying

"May I go?" Asked Jane as she jumped up and down "I always wanted an adventure,"

Wendy nodded her head motioning for Jane to go on


The end... till now



: ok so this is the end but I was also wanting to write a story on Jane Wendy's daughter and how her relationship with Peter affected her, would you be interested? If you would let me know because I don't mind to do it!

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