How I'll Choose a Mentee

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I just wanted to put a little helpful guide so everyone knows how I'll choose the person I'll mentor.

1. I'll read through all the application packets.

2. I'll read the prologues and one to two chapters of each submission. Sometimes, the first chapter is the hardest to nail down so I don't want to judge solely based off the first chapter. I'll likely read at least two chapters of each submission.

3. If I have questions regarding something in your story or application packet, I might reach out to you.

4. When I make my decision, it won't necessarily be on the best written book at the time, but likely the one that I both enjoy and see the most potential in. Your book doesn't need to be perfect (I'm definitely a write first edit later kind of girl) so I'm not looking for perfection.

5. If I have trouble deciding between two or three mentees, I might reach out and get a sense of your personality, your availability throughout the mentorship period, preferred method of communication, just to see if we match.

That's it! Let me know if you have any questions! I'm excited to read the applications and I'm excited to work with one of you!

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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