galaxies orbit in the harmony of your eyes

46 8 12

shards of stained glass
i n f i n i t e l y
in those two strange pools
i loose myself in so instinctively
kaleidoscope gaze
pull me closer
right to the core
of your orbit

do you think you can give me the universe? capture the fragmented lifetimes of stars in space and deliver them to the temple of my body in the form of a million shimmering kisses, imprinted on my body like the lyrics of a song, always and forever

whenever we touch, electricity of solar systems exploding and planets blazing in a wretched glory, my skin is left writhing in a summertime fever, sunsets left behind in my rosy tears, the euphoria you light is a painful type of pleasure

ruinous, the way your arms wrap around my body is delicious chaos, and my legs melt into your torso, entire being submerged in a catastrophic chasm that gasps your name in shaky breaths over and over, abusing my ears in too much perfection

the tips of my worn fingers skim the surface of clouds, nebulas and light years spinning past me in a dance of disaster, but the rhythm has stolen my life, you have embodied my body to your soul, and i am addicted to the feelings you send through my flesh

to summarize it up, galaxies orbit in the harmony of your eyes

e t e r n i t y
is never
long enough

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