Episode 1: Traitor, new partner

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'Is this what the world has come to? Being part of a group who steals and closes the hearts of pokemon? Well I'm sick of it!' I thought. My name's Wes and I'm a part of Team Snagem. I'm breaking their chains on me! I rigged explosives in the hideout. One click of this button and... BOOM!! And there's my entrance. I ran in hearing screams of panic. Everyone yelling "Intruder alert! Near the snagging machine! Quickly get him!" Yet, no one was in sight. I swiped the snagging device and ran as all the goons and the big boss chased me. As I got in my cyber-cycle, Umbreon quickly jumped into the side-car next to the patiently waiting Espeon. I hopped on and drove away but before I'm too far away... Click, BOOM!! No more Team Snagem Hideout and no more Team Snagem goon Wes. Now I'm a free man... Finally...

I rode to a town called Phenac City. It's a nice place yet right when I get there...

"Get a better grip" "I'm trying but she's squirming too much!" The girl in the bag cries for help. "Dammit! The tape couldn't quiet her!"


"Oh no that kid saw! He wont get away without a fight!"

"A fight?" I smirked. Umbreon and Espeon jumped in front of me as he sent out two Whismurs. Pathetic, not even a point of damage done to my pokemon.

"Lets get outta here!"

They dropped the bag and ran. I went forward and cut the knot, pulling out the orange haired girland holding her close when she suddenly asked where she was. It was obvious she was from a different town. "Slow down miss..."

"Rui. My name is Rui" She smiled

"Well, Rui, maybe we should tell the mayor about thi-"

"Did they have weird pokemon with them?"

A lady answered "No just regular pokemon"

"Oh ok... Lets tell the mayor"

I tried to speak "I-..."

"Lets go!" She dragged me to the mayor's house. Why can I never speak...

Pokemon: The adventures of Wes | Series 1: Orre regionWhere stories live. Discover now