Chapter 59

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Catherine's POV:

I stared at Ace, not knowing what to say.

"Go in." Anitra whispered and I nodded my head then stepped away from him.

I glanced behind him towards the place that I recently saw Ace but he was already walking back to his car.

My heart hurts.

I wanted to say something to him. To say goodbye. To tell him that there was nothing going on between Anitra and I but I couldn't say it.

We were a lot cause.

It was over.

I turned around and started climbing the stairs.

I hope that someday we get to see each other again, and maybe then we can have our own happy ending.

Happy endings are overrated anyway. I'll love him from afar. It's all I could do.

I got inside the jet and took a seat. I had no urge to admire tge interior. I was more concerned about the look on Ace's fax when our eyes met today.

He looked so hurt. Like i just slapped him across the face.

I placed my palms on my face and let out a loud sigh.

What is wrong with me?

"Are you okay, Catherine?" Margaret asked and i nodded my head but no words to back it up.

I was tired.


Throughout the flight to London, I was sleeping.

When I woke up was when the captain announced our arrival.

I felt nervous.

I haven't been to London since I was young, before my accident.

I don't even know how it looks like anymore except for what I see on movies.

"We are here." Margaret said and i nodded my head.

I put on my seatbelt and soon enough the plane landed.


The land of Queen Elizabeth II

Home sweet home.

I grabbed my purse and stood up from my chair.


The car drove inside a big compound which I guess belongs to my mother.

the car was parked in front of the house and I pushed open the door and got out of the car.

The house was painted in white colour and it looked fabulous it looks so beautiful that I keep on staring at it for a long time.

"Isn't it beautiful? Mrs Meyers has done so well for herself over the past few years I'm proud of her." I nodded my head and sighed.

if only me coming here didn't cost me my relationship with Ace it would have been so much better.

I walked inside the house while Margaret and the driver were busy bringing out the suitcase from the trunk.

The duplex was beautiful,  the interior design was superb. the house wasn't too big neither was it too small,  just moderate for a woman like my mother.

when I walked inside the living room and saw my mother sitting down on the couch a MacBook in her hand.

Immediately she saw me she stood out from the couch and started walking towards me, her lips widened in smiles.

"My baby,  I missed you so much I'm so glad to have you here with me. " She said as she hugged me.

"I miss you too mum but it hasn't been long since you left New York so I didn't miss you that much." I responded and she busted into laughter she looked so happy and I was really glad that she was laughing like that because of me.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night Catherine Meyers now that you are here how about I show you around the house?"she questioned and I hummed.

If she shows me my room right now and i go inside, i wouldn't be able to come out again since I so fucking exhausted from my trip.

"I really would have loved to check out the house but I need to be in the bathroom right now taking my shower. I feel tired and my body aches." I responded and she nodded her head and understanding.

"Then I'll lead you to your room."

My room was painted in pink. Everything was pink like a Barbie house. I cringed immediately I saw it, my face contorted in disgust.

I'm not a little kid and didn't want to be treated as such.

"Do you like it? I thought since you're a teenager, you would appreciate a room like this one." She said and I forced out a smile.

She looked genuinely happy. I couldn't tell her that I didn't love it.

My mother left after I had settled down in my room, Margaret brought up my suitcases and I headed over to the bathroom to take my bath.

After bathing with cold water, I wrapped a big towel around me and walked back inside my room.

I sat down on my bed and grabbed my handbag.

Almost immediately my phone started ringing.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand drawer and checked the caller.

It was Talia, she video called me on Whatsapp.

I swiped it immediately, not bothering that I was only covered I my towel or that she might have someone with her.

"Catherine f**king Meyers! You couldn't call me before you leave. I hate you bitch!" She yelled. She brown hair getting blown on her face by the wind.

She looked mad but I was happy that she called.

I had started missing her and everyone else that I cared about.


"I'm sorry, Talia. It escaped my mind. By the way it was so early and wouldn't want to take you up." I responded and she shook her head.

"How is your Mom?" She questioned. Diverting from the previous talk and I was grateful for it.

I didn't have any tangible excuse of why I didn't call her.

"She is fine." I said and I smiled sadly. "I'm missing you already."

She laughed and brushed her hair back with her hand.

"We will be seeing each other very soon, Catherine. There's nothing to be worried about." She responded.

Are we?

I was nervous and a little bit scared which was not a good sign on my side.

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