09. infested

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*hiiiii. this is filler chapter just like this was a filler episode (not that it's a bad thing, every show needs them). i tried not to pack too much into this chapter, especially between tech and mara (i failed at that they have so much in this chapter, i blame the song you are in love by taylor swift), and keep it pretty short cause the next three? shit happens heheheh. i'm excited for them all. anyways enjoy this sort of filler!*

"Cid better pay us extra for that mission," Echo grumbled, taking his helmet off as he exited the Marauder with his brothers, Omega and Mara

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"Cid better pay us extra for that mission," Echo grumbled, taking his helmet off as he exited the Marauder with his brothers, Omega and Mara.

"Eh, it wasn't so bad," Wrecker shrugged from behind Mara and Echo.

In front them, Tech removed his helmet and in pure muscle memory, turned for a moment to hand it off to Mara. She didn't even hesitate to accept it, propping it on her hip as she follow him with Echo at her side. It was muscle memory for her too. Pure instinct. She ignored the amused look on Echo's face as they kept walking through Ord Mantell. "She failed to mention the drop zone would be swarming with Gundarks," Echo pointed out, stepping to the side as Wrecker now walked between him and Mara.

"It is not the first time she has left out key details," Tech pointed out, holding up one finger as he did.

Echo sighed, rolling his eyes a bit as the Batch continued through the streets of Ord Mantell and back to Cid's Parlor. After their last mission, which was directly after helping the Syndulla's escape Ryloth, Mara was sure a drink would help her relax and maybe give her a moment to sit with all the thoughts about Tech that kept getting pulled up at inopportune times. Something was always interrupting them before she could say anything. One thing Mara hated more than showing vulnerability and emotion, was plugged up emotions unable to escape because Wrecker had arm wrestle her in the cockpit to settle a between him and Echo. Or Hunter absolutely needed her opinion on a game plan for a mission given to them. Now, Hunter lingering in the back instead of leading them to the bar, was setting off a little alarm in Mara's head, breaking her thoughts from swarming.

Especially the way he looked at the masked men littering the streets of Ord Mantell. Ones they had never seen before.

It seemed the rest of the Batch had yet to notice, and if they had, they weren't showing it. Instead, they entered the bar, which was strangely crowded. Mara furrowed her brows at that. The whole appeal of Cid's Bar had always been how empty it was, aside for the only other regulars, Bolo and Ketch. The rest of the Batch had equally confused faces as they looked around the grimy bar. "When did this place get so popular?" Echo voiced the thoughts of the whole Batch.

"And who are they?" Tech added, eyeing the masked men that had alarmed Hunter in the streets.

"Not our problem," Hunter shook his head. "Let's find Cid," He said, waving for them to follow him to her office in the back.

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