Chapter Eight

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It has been a week and a half since Martha saw/met the three robots again and now she tries to sneak out at night to see them but Jason stops her every time. It was as if he was a parent and she was his kid, which annoyed her.

It was Monday, the first day of the week for school, which means that the three popular guys were around to bother Martha. She was careful and sneaky getting to her locker. Once she got there she opened it near Asher. He has been one of her best friends since middle school. He was shorter than her with light blue eyes and black curly hair. He was also black.

Asher was kinda like her except that he didn’t like spiders. He was almost afraid of them. Martha likes anything out of the ordinary, even spiders and snakes.

Asher looked at her with a slight smile as she grabbed her history book and walked with him to history class. It was a class they both didn’t like much, but they gotta do it in the morning instead of the afternoon.

“So what did you do over the weekend?” Asher asked, looking at Martha a bit.

“Eh, Nothing much, just sat around in Hemphill's house.” She said, shrugging her shoulders.

“Why are you there?”

“Mom’s on a business trip for a few months.”


They continued to talk, reaching their class and still continuing their conversation. The history teacher started the lesson with a worksheet and something on Google Classroom to finish for today and tomorrow.

Asher was already working on his work while Martha drew in her art book, drawing Jazz, she drew the outline of the body and head. She continued to draw until the bell rang, packing her stuff quickly, she headed off to her next class. She had finished most of the outline.

Second period came and went then third then forth until the bell for lunch rang. She was sitting with Asher, talking to each other again after, fourth period. Her art book out right next to her. As they were talking, Lance and his two friends spotted them and walked up to their table.

Martha and Asher looked at them, then asher brought his phone out to record, just in case.

“Martha.” Lance said, with no emotions in his voice.

“Lance.” Martha said, with the ame tone of voice, emotionless.

They stared at each other for a bit then Lance huffed a bit. “Heard from a little birdie that you drew in class today.” He said, smirking a bit.

“Yeah, so what?” Martha said then to a bite of her pizza. “Anyone can draw if they want.”

“Yeah, but this was a different drawing. It had more of my interest in it. So if you don’t mind.” He said, putting his hand out at her.

“No.” Martha said, pulling her art book closer to her.

Lance sighed then gestured to the other two to get the book. One hand reached out to the art book as Martha smacked the hand away. “Fuck off!” She hissed. The second hand came from the other guy and the same thing happened to it, it getting smacked away.

Lance looked at her then reached out to the book quickly, it was quickly smacked away from the book. “Lance, do you know the definition of ‘no’?” Martha asked, looking at him with annoyance. “If not I can tell you! No has multiple definitions but I'll tell you one! No means ‘a negative answer or decision, as in voting.’”

Lance growled a bit, his fist clenched tightly. Martha just smiled at him then put her art book in her backpack. She set the bag on her lap and hugged it close to herself.

Lance walked around the table closer to her then was about to grab the strap of the bag until he looked at Asher, recording a video of him. He grunted then walked away with two of his goons behind him.

After that, three more periods went by until 3:25 P.M. She walked out of school by that time the drawing was almost complete except for the details on his face.

She looked at the picture then started to walk to the house. It wasn't that long of a walk but she took her time. It was a quiet afternoon, walking was peaceful. Martha liked lots of things, like going on calm walks.

She walked on listening to her music. Her mind drifted back to lunch. Why did Lance want to see my drawing? She asked herself, then shrugged to herself. Ehh maybe he just wanted to see and say he was better at it….

It was a few minutes until she was at Jason’s house again, she smiled a bit then went inside, no one was at home at the moment but she threw her stuff in her room then wrote a note. ‘Going out to get a drink, be back in a bit.’ She smiled at it then put it on the counter in the kitchen and simply left with 15 bucks in her pocket.

It was about an 18-20 minute walk to the small convenience store. She looked at the various sodas in the see-through fridges then opened one of them and took out a MTN Dew.

She went up to the counter with her drink in hand ready to pay for it then someone bumped into her. She turned to them while saying. “Watch where you’re going, please.” She looked at the dude that bumped into her then turned back to the counter.

When Martha was buying what she wanted from the small store, she simply left. A bag in hand, that had a bag of chips, she walked off. She drank her soda.

It was a bit until she heard footsteps behind her, she turned to see the same dude that bumped into her. She was walking slowly but she picked up a bit of speed. Her paranoia taking hold of her.

The dude followed her for a bit then turned down an alleyway. Martha looked back then a familiar GMC came out of the alleyway.

"Hi Ironhide!" She said happily.

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