Chapter Five

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Atlas and Aria practically run to his room, they get in the room and she pulls him close to her. Walking backwards they made their way to his bed and she smiled up at him. He smiled back, kissed her nose, he went to light candles and came back to her " Was this a plan?" he asked.

" Maybe" she leaned up holding his sides as he held his weight up with his arms hovering over her.

He smirks " not even mad" he leans down and kisses her. She giggles and deepens the kiss, he gently pulls her up pulling her top off and her long chocolate brown hair falls down her back. He takes her hair in his hand and runs it down to the ends letting it tickle her back and she lets out a soft sigh. He takes that as a sign and kisses on her skin leaving soft wet kisses along her skin as he moves down her body. She lays there taking in every single one as he makes his way back up to her lips.

" I've missed you" she sighs

" I've missed you too" he looks into her eyes.

Phoenix was serious about wanting to know me on all levels so we cuddled and watched my favorite film. I look over at him as watches the tv and he looks back at me " what?" he chuckles awkwardly.

" you're very focused" I smile

" I don't think I have ever seen this" he admits

" Whaa, it's one of Audrey Hepburns best films" I say shocked

" Who?" he asks and then let's a smirk play upon his lips

I sit up ready to school him, then I see his stupid face " Breakfast At Tiffany's is gold" I lightly hit him

He looks at me " I can see why you like the film, Holly is relatable" he kind of frowns.

I look down at my hands and play with my rings " Never looked at it that way" I say quietly.

" You're basically Holly" he says " the way she views herself, maybe even how she views family and love" he lists

I stay quiet a little while " well I suppose I should have a chose a less transparent film" I kinda laugh

He smiles and pulls me into him " no, you did that on purpose, you are not great with expressing with words" he teases and kisses my head as we finish the movie.

" thank god for a happy ending" he yawns and stretches as he gets out of bed.

I look up at him yawning myself " where are you going?" I ask sadly

" nowhere because I plan to love a wild thing" he kisses my head.

I sit there and watch him walk to the bathroom in shock at his ever so confidantly calling me out with just one movie. He comes back out and walks straight to my record player and vinyls, he looks back at me and I can feel myself getting uncomfortable with the wide open vulnerability that is around my room.

I get up and quickly walk over putting myself between him and my collection " enough about me, I want to know about you" I look at him resting my hands on the stand leaning back into it.

He looks down at me and smiles " let's go for a walk"

I sigh annoyed " Isbel can't know"

" we won't take the stairs" He holds his hand out

" Phoenix" I say in a dull tone but take his hand anyways

" Just trust me," he smiles. He walks to the window, he puts me on his back and we crawl down the exterior of the house landing on the ground.

" Is that like vampire privileges only cause sneaking out would be so easy for us all" I laugh

He playfully rolls his eyes " come on" he takes my hand and we lace our fingers together.

Aria was asleep, the candles were still lit, Atlas brushes hair off her face and she stirs a little, waking up looking at him.

" Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you" he said smiling

" yes you did" she laughs sleepily

" Okay, I did" he chuckles and she sits up to kiss him. " you're beautiful, have I told you that lately?" he plays with her hair.

" no, not lately," she giggles, soaking up whatever this is.

" I should get better at it huh?" he laughs hiding his face in her neck

" Maybe you should at least once a week" she continues to giggle but stops when she feels his fangs against her skin.

" I think maybe I am hungry" he stutters with hunger in his already deep dark eyes.

" Atlas, Please" He goes to bite her and she gasps.

I was walking with Phoenix hand in hand as he was telling me a stupid joke, I felt bad because it was so dumb I felt like I had to laugh for his sake but my laugh turned into a gasp.

" Klara, what's wrong?" he asks as I yank my hand away.

" Oh god I don't know but it hurts" My hand flew to hold my throat.

He looks at me, " What part?" he asks with concern

" it feels like something is biting me, it burns!" The look of terror in my eyes.

His facial expression changes after I say that and takes a slight deep breath. I lock eyes with him " It's Aria, something is wrong with her" I go to run to her when he stops me.

" Klar, I am sure she's fine" he holds my wrist.

I glare at him " no, she's not" I run towards the house and he follows after.

Atlas couldn't help himself, she tasted so amazing. He felt her body change from being in terror to be in pleasure. She wrapped her arms around his neck to keep him there and her gasps turned to moans. I was almost there and I still felt the pain, so I swung the door open.

I was frantically moving my hands around " Phoenix?" I look at him to do something.

" And what would you like me to do about it" he asks

" He's your friend, make him stop!" my voice is shakey

" Klar you're the one with powers" he crosses his arms

" Y-you had the power to make Adreana stop, make him!" I start having a panic attack

" So you want me to yell Atlas!" he says with a hint of a laugh on his breath

" huh, what?" he pulls away from Aria's neck with blood dripping down his face

" Aria" I ran over, are you okay?" I look her over

Touching her neck " can we make this stop now?" she asks, dazed and confused.

" oh yeah" Atlas runs to the bathroom grabbing toilet paper.

The three of us look at him " Atlas..."

He looks down " what, oh" he turns around and grabs gauze from the medicine cabinet.

I look at Poenixx crossing my arms " why is there gauze in your medicine cabinet?"

He looks at me and I can tell he is trying to come up with a good creative reason but settles for " accidents happen"

Atlas runs back to A putting the gauze on her wound " babe, I am so sorry" he sighs

" I know, it's okay you didn't mean it" she smiles

I take a deep breath and let it out " well I'm totally disgusted" I quickly walk out the door slamming it.

" I'm going to go talk her down" Phoenix points in my direction and walks out after me.

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