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"Tamara what's wrong?"

"Something's coming Laura. Something smells off about it. I've never smelt anything like it."

"What do you mean? Nothing strange ever happens here. Where is it? How come I haven't smelt it yet?"

Tamara shook her head. "A boat but it's a few days travel till it gets here. Laura it smells of death and of these things. I never smelt anything like it."

I looked at her like she's crazy. Boats never sail this close to home. "Did you tell your dad about it?"

Tamara shook her head again. "No. You know how my dad feels about boats. He will conjure up a storm so the boat stays away from home. I want to find out why this boat is so different than the others. You have to promise me not to tell anyone!"

"Fine. But if anything happens, I'm blaming it on you."

"Laura, it's time to come home. It's getting late and you have school in the morning."

I flicked my ears so I could get a better understanding of what my mom was saying. "Well that's my mom. I better get going. I'll see you after school right?"

"You bet. We can plan on what we want to do about the boat then! And remember don't tell anyone!"

"I promise. Bye Tamara."

"Bye Laura."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2015 ⏰

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