Chapter 6

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It was now the day of the practice match and Karasuno was calmly practising, while waiting for Aoba Johsai. Shoyo was back to his normal self, well actually stronger as he was still quite pissed off by the photo he saw. But that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, his rage caused him to be able to smash through his own teams blockers and think more strategically. This was always one of the ways that Shoyo would deal with his rage, he would channel that anger into his game play, which really worked.

After a couple of minutes Aoba Johsai walked in with their setter/captain leading them with a smug smirk on his face. Well that was until he saw that his dear Shoyo was angry and because he knew how powerful he was angry he jumped back scared. An angry Shoyo was never a good thing, especially when it came to being on the other side, the enemy, of him during a match. But because Tohru had jumped back he had got a pot of weird looks at him, so he went back into his previous space with an embarrassed/apologetic look on his face as he rubbed the back of his head. But after that quick apology looked back at the still fuming Shoyo and gulped, this was going to be a tough game.

The warmups went smoothly if you remove the fact Shoyo had popped about 5 balls and was now even more precise at everything. This honestly scared everyone in the gym, I mean if you saw a tiny 16 year old who was able to pop a ball just by hitting it, you would be scared too.
But after warmups were done both teams lined up and greeted each other like an official game. Karasuno would be serving first and luckily for them, it was Shoyo who would be serving. Shoyo went to the line and did one of Tohru's killer serves that got him an immediate service ace. But because the serve was so recognizable Aoba Johsai looked at Tohru with shock and disbelief in their eyes. Tohru didn't know what to say, he hadn't technically taught Shoyo that he had just learnt it. So Tohru just shrugged, he made seem like Shoyo had watched him play and just learnt it, well it was technically true. Just it didn't include the fact that it was just the two, in a park, practicing with each other, the enemy.

After a few more service aces Aoba Johsai's libero dug the ball up, it was messy but it was finally up. Once it was Shoyo ran forward watching Tohru's every move, getting ready to predict what would happen next. When he had set it to the Spiker for him to hit Shoyo ran up and got a finger on it, but because no one was going to get it he ran himself. When he had hit the ball back he ran himself, this was one of the times his endless stamina and speed was extremely useful. When he had made it back he joined into the teams synchronized attack, but the other teams blockers guessed right that it would go to Shoyo. But because of how powerful he was because of the anger he smashed through all three blockers, causing them to fall down. Shoyo just landed gracefully without a sweat dropping from his face.

The first set was over and it was now the small break in between sets, the team was discussing strategies as they had barely managed to hold their ground. Sure the had won the set to 25-21 but it was still too close for comfort. That was until Shoyo had an absolute crazy idea. "Could I just sit and observe for the second set?" The team was shocked at this question, the small boy always wanted to be on the court. "Why is that?" The coach asked curiously. "Well I want to observe them closer to see what we can do to stop them in the 3 other sets. Also in other games it will come in handy." The coach agreed and Shoyo sat on the bench getting ready to turn in his amazing observation skills.

The second set was over quickly, with Aoba Johsai winning it 25-17, though Karasuno wasn't quite too down about it as it just showed that Shoyo really was a star player. Though in that one set Shoyo had imprinted a bunch of the Aoba Johsai's moves into his head, he annalized their game play and signals. He was ready to crush them and he was now sharing, at this break, all the information they would need to know.
With Aoba Johsai they were all happy and smiling at the fact they won that set, like the completely beat Karasuno, well everyone but Tohru, he was scared, he knew the second he saw Shoyo sitting on that bench that they would lose. So now it was time to tell his team something important. "Hey team..." the team looked at their captain questioning why he looked so sad and worried. "I will say this not be surprised at anything the team does in this set. One of them was analyzing us that whole set, so he has the most info, be careful and do more moves that we haven't done this game." Everyone was actually nervous as their captain was barely serious, so they knew when he was he was serious.

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