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Name: Jenny

Age: 16

Gender: Female

A Few Favorite Groups: I listen to honestly a lot of groups and so many are good XD But my hands down favorite groups range from Big Bang, 2ne1, BESTie, Super Junior & Exo.

A Few Biases: Listening to a whole bunch of groups equals longer bias lists XD But my main are Tao, Xiumin, Seungri, Heechul and Bobby. ^°^ Lee Hi is my female bias ♥ Her vocals are just amazing •-•

A Few Ships: I'm a HUGE shipper of Taoris (Exo Tao & Kris) and Krisber (F(x) Amber & Exo Kris) XD I also ship BobHi (Ikon Bobby & Lee Hi), and any 2nexo couple (2ne1 & Exo)

Fun Facts!

- I am Mexican however I can't even speak my own language XD I can however read in Spanish a bit.

- I have been a Kpop fan since 2006 ;-; I feel old sometimes looking back at old MVs.

- First Song I listened to was Super Junior - Miracle! Life couldn't get better~

- I'm currently trying to learn Korean, and Spanish ^^

- I officially started my Kpop album collection near the end of 2013 and currently have 11 albums as of yet. ^°^

- (Is this even a fun fact? lol) I am actually taking online high school classes. This is my second year being home schooled.

- A goal I would like to achieve is too one day make a YouTube chanmel and giveaway kpop goodies! Such as for example if Got7 were to have a comeback, I would hold a writing contest, and who ever wins get a album or so. Its still in the process XD

- Addicted to Kdramas and pocky (my first name on wattpad was shewhoateurpocky)

Thanks so much for reading this and can't wait to talk to you guys! ♥

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