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I just wanna make it clear that I might visit from time to time... to check up on you guys. To see how you are. I have made great friends on here, great memories. But I have dis-used this and wasted it. This account is keeping me from walking with God.

I am sorry, but I have to say goodbye.

Heres how this is gonna work:

-There will be 2 letters (or more, I'm not sure) adressed to one person, these will be whole chapters.

-Then there will be a whole chapter to little goodbyes.

-Basic grammer will be used.

So, its time it let go.

Its my turn to throw away my lighters. (Which Grace still has by the way ;) )

Its my turn to let my scars heal.

Its my turn to say Goodbye.


Loves, Kethien xx

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