Chapter 7

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"We have to stay on the ship as long as possible! Come on!" screamed Jack, so we were going to the very end of the ship, which stuck out of the water the most. 

As we went, people were taking slow as they walked. 

"Yeah, through I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..." started a man

"You wanna walk a little faster through that valley there?!" asked Jack, I laughed, but said "Yeah, come on, sir! We're trying to survive! And you can too, just try!" 

The lights were flickering slowly. The water was stopping the electric. We were now hanging on the rail. I was holding onto Jack, and also holding onto the rail. We were at the end now. People kept falling down. Sliding down, I mean. Then some just died, and some still tried to go up. 

Oh my gosh... This is where Jack and I first met!

"Jack... This is where we first met" I said, he smiled lightly, then kissed my forehead, and hugged me. 

The ship kept on getting straighter and straighter. 

"We have to move!" said Jack, climbing the rail, he offered me his hand, and I climbed with him. 

"I've got you!" said Jack, as we held each other tight. The ship was now fully straight. We were going down now. 

"Hold on! The ship is gonna suck us down. Take a deep breath when I say!" said Jack

"Ok!" I said

"Kick for the surface and keep kicking! Do not let go of my hand! We're gonna make it, Y/n! Trust me!" said Jack, I nodded. Then we waited for a little bit. 

"Reddie?! Reddie?! NOW!" screamed Jack, and we held our breaths. 

As we went into the water, it was hard holding hands and moving at the same time. We eventually let go, but I was able to make it!

"Jack! Jack where are you?! Jack!" I cried, then swam to try and find Jack. As I was swimming and calling his name, some man thought it would be a good idea to hold onto my head. 

"Y/n! Get off of her! Get off of her!" screamed somebody to the man.... It was Jack! He ended up punching the man.

"Jack! There you are!" I said

"Swim, Y/n! I need you to swim! Keep swimming!" said Jack

"Shit it's cold!" I screamed as I swam. 

"Swim, Y/n!" said Jack... I'm swimming-

"Come on! Here, keep swimming. Here, get on" said Jack, pointing to a piece of the ship, and so I was able to get on but as Jack got on, it turned upside down, and we both fell. 

"Stay on it, stay on it Y/n!" screamed Jack, once I was fully on, I moved to the end. 

"Jack, get on. I'm not letting you stay in there, you'll literally die of freezing!" I said 

"All right. 1 second" said Jack, and dove in. Then he suddenly came up, and was able to get on. We just sat there hugging each other. I laid my head on his shoulder. "Your lips are purple"

"So are yours. It'll be alright now" said Jack

"I hope so." I said

"Y/n, listen. If I wont be able to make it, you need to move on. You're gonna find someone new, you're gonna have children, and maybe grand children, and you're gonna grow old, and die like that" said Jack

"I won't move on. I don't want the child in my genes if it isn't yours. I'll adopt one if I must." I said

Jack then smiled, and leaned down, I laid my head on his chest, as he held me close. 

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