Chapter 9- Tom Holland's Spider-Man Ending

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You weren't sure what to do as you stood in the middle of the cemetery feeling a strange sense of déjà vu. It wasn't snowing anymore, the sun was still slowly rising along the horizon. White fluffy clouds drifted across the clear blue sky above you. Any trace of the purple rips in the universe were completely gone as you looked down at gravestones in front of you and had to do a double take when you saw your own amongst your family.

Wait, what the fuck?

You stared at your own name for a good minute and a half before realisation dawned on you.

This wasn't your universe... you didn't get sent back to your universe, you were still in the same one. Holy shit, you were still in the same universe.

How was that possible? Did Doctor Strange fuck up the spell? No, he seemed like a serious person, he wouldn't have screwed the spell up, so how were you still here?

That question tumbled around your head as you looked around trying to figure out what to do. No money, no house, no personal belongings other than the Smith & Wesson still tucked in your waistband.

You contemplated trying to find Peter or Ned and MJ, but thought better of it. They probably didn't want to see you. You were trying to kill Peter less than 24 hours ago, even though you helped them in the end, it would be hard to forget about the whole attempted murder thing.

Still unsure of what you were going to do, you found yourself walking along the busy streets of Queens.

Within a couple of days you learnt that the Starbucks on Fifth Street threw out left over food at the end of the day into the dumpster in the alley and that the homeless shelter was only a couple minutes walk from there.

Not having a house, money or a job turned out to be a lot more difficult than you imagined, but you were making it work.

After nearly a week, you found yourself back at the cemetery sitting in front of this universes version of your parents and brothers grave with flowers that you picked from the side of the road neatly resting on top.

There was a funeral happening on the other side of the cemetery, a large crowd of people in suits and black formal clothes. They had all been there since you arrived, you nearly turned around and left when you saw them, not wanting to get in the way of a funeral, but they were far enough away for you not to be a bother.

Most of them had left by now while you still sat on the now snow covered ground. It was cold and you were freezing, your flannel only doing so much to keep you warm in this cooling weather. The snow was no longer falling, but the icy cold breeze was still hanging in the air despite it being mid morning and the sun high in the sky.

Your body shivered as you sat there hugging your knees to your chest, but you weren't ready to leave just yet.

"Uh, ma'am, are you okay? It's a little cold to be sitting out-"

At the sound of the familiar voice, you quickly glanced over your shoulder to find Peter Parker walking along the footpath towards you. He had a beanie and winter jacket on, looking surprisingly normal for a superhero.

The second Peter realised that it was you on the ground he came to an abrupt halt and stopped midsentence. He stared at you for an endless span of time. His mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water before he managed to find his voice.


That was all he could bring himself to say as he stared at you, still unmoving from where he stood.

"I swear I'm not following you, Peter, if that's what you're thinking. I just like being near them... well it's not really them, I know, wrong universe, but it's as close as I can get." You quickly explained, motioning towards your families gravestones in front of you.

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