2 - Tell The Truth

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"What's wrong kid? Something bothering you?"

"Well..." I debate with myself for a few moments before taking a breath to calm my nerves.

"Kid?" Max glances over at me, his playful expression now replaced with worry. I quickly wrap up my debate with myself and start explaining.

"For the past few months, I've been having these nightmares. It's always the same one but I don't know where it could be coming from." Max ponders this for a moment as he leans forward to peer around a street corner before making the turn.

"You been under any extra stress at work lately?" He asks at the next stop light.

"Not that I'm aware of, customers at the cafe have been unusually nice recently and I haven't had to work overtime since last summer." Another long silence fills the Taxi as he mulls this over.

"Well, what's the nightmare about?" I begin trying to explain everything that happens. I haven't told anyone about this before, not even dad. It feels nice to get it off my chest but at the same time, a seemingly endless feeling of... danger? Apprehension? Foreboding? Whatever it is, it consumes my mind and body within a matter of seconds. Max just stares blankly at the highway ahead after I explain everything from the empty void to the noose.

"Tell you what, kid? Just try to get some sleep and if I see you having a nightmare, I'll wake you up. Sound good to you?"

Make a choice then go to the corresponding chapter:

4 - go to sleep
5 - I'm not tired

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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