The Journey Home Within

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This is my story,
So please, imagine and enjoy
The journey home within.

It's pitch black
Your ears flinch
And move back

Your eyes feel warm
But your face feels cold
Your jaw feels tense
And your feelings stop for a second...

The reader may have been a bit eager to complete that 4th line
With a facial feature doing an action turned into a rhyme
Hah, there it is!
You are welcome,
To both this story
and this poem.

You are arriving home, at last, after a long day out(whew)
And it is nearly evening too!
The sky is a mixed shade of grey and blue
And the traffic lights are all orange and red,
Until it is green for you.

The car shuffled forwards
It's near irritating
Or well it would be
If you weren't daydreaming.
In your head is a glorified world
So much so that you love it oh so much

We think it's clear to understand
Where you are currently at
not in the physical mortal plane
But the mental sugarcoated copycat.

Everything's the same there.
Except for everything that matters.
Because everything that matters here,
Is as noticeable as the breeze of wind

Exactly! You wouldn't notice the breeze of wind would you?
Until it is hard enough to hit you,
And shatter your face apart
with the chilling reality of where you are.
Odd how that analogy works, it's easier to grasp this concept, but harder to let it go

Here's a fulfilling repetitive example
That I can't let go :(

The car jaggedly scuffles to a halt
What's to happen next
Let it be known
It is not your fault...

You arrive home, at last!
Now before you came home
You had a plan
To settle down in your brown leather chair,
close the curtains,
turn on the light
And relive a childhood fantasy you've dreamt of doing so whenever you had the opportunity.
You want to live a simple ordinary life as everyone else in this real world,

But you thrust back into that higher dimension in your head...

You are lying down on a cold patch of grass.
The wet softly angelic texture of grass, is graced upon with your simply white t shirt.
The chilling feel of grass resides below you.

It doesn't bother you however, instead makes you feel more intertwined with nature itself, and how you're human. Once a child born as an offspring on this tranquil planet.

You are facing up, back facing down, lying in what feels to be the most comfortable position you've even been in, and staring at the dark blue sky. Glistening with tiny cute silver stars.

It gives you a feeling of awe and excitement
You can't help but let out a smile, even the slightest.
" this place"
It is such a VAST area that you're staring into, yet you realise,
You don't feel how you WANT to feel. You're facing the greatest magnitude of size known to man, yet what daunts your is something far smaller. Something far more important.

Like a buzzing bumblebee that won't leave your side, but you are aware of it and want to confront it.

You get a sinking feeling

Your heart. your smile loses composure, your eyes swell up and your face gives up.

You realise you're alone in this dimension. It is all a figment of your own imagination.
But please, turn left

You see a dark brown girl, shorter than you, but has longer straighter hair, and gorgeous shimmering black pupils, reflecting every one of the stars that looked down upon you.

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