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Name: Dakota June McDavid
Age: 25
Family:  Jennifer (mom: cop) Daniel (dad: firefighter)  Derek (brother: firefighter:29)  Dallas (little sister: 13)  Duncan (baby brother:6)
Extended Family:  Luke Callaghan (bro's friend)  Jerry Barber (bro's friend)
Friends: Andy McNally, Traci Nash, Chris Diaz, Dov Epstein, Gail Peak (kinda), Austin Danvers (firefighter) , Dillon Chambers (firefighter), Remington 'Remy' Boudreaux (firefighter/paramedic)
Nicknames: Koda, DJ (bro & sis), DeeDee (baby bro), Princess (dad), Little McDavid (Luke & Jerry), Junifer (firehouse)

Bio: I come from a long line of people in a uniform, so it was only destiny for me to put on one.. Some people think I got here cause of who my mom is but I got to where I am by my own merits, no hand outside from mommy dearest.

**Note: I only on the McDavid family, Remy, dillon, and Austin

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