A Plan Gone Wrong

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Don't worry, babe. I'll be back before you can say I miss you." Harry pulled Severus' pouting lips to his, kissing him deeply.

"Oh, I'm not worried about whether you'll be back, I just want to be sure it won't be in a coffin. You know you're a magnet for trouble."

A year had already passed since Harry took the open auror position with the Ministry of Magic. It was the only struggle Severus and him ever had. Severus had a hard time controlling his fear and emotions when Harry was away on field work. This was a problem as it made it difficult for him to concentrate on his job. After a near disaster, Lucius called on them both to find a safe solution for them both.

"You know I'll be back in your arms in no time. And yes, just as healthy as I left. Now take your meds and pull up your meditations. I'll hopefully see you in just a couple of days."

Reports had come in from Ireland regarding a rogue wizard suspected of murdering at least 3 muggles and 1 witch. He was currently somewhere in hiding. Ireland's Ministry of Magic asked for help from any ministry's near by with any available aurors. Lucius, while attempting to ignore a protesting Severus, called for both Harry and another veteran auror named Kingsley. Although Lucius shared some of Severus' concern, he also couldn't ignore the fact that Harry made one of the best aurors the Ministry has seen in many years. He would be just plain insulting Ireland if he withheld their best.

It was late at night when Harry and Kingsley made it to Ireland's Ministry of Magic. A short, peculiar gentleman in emerald green robes greeted them at the entrance. "Harry. Kingsley. Minister O'Galvin. Come with me please."

Following behind, the Minister began leading them down a long hallway before turning into a large conference room. At least 30 others joined them, all seemed to be aurors from various Ministry branches. In the middle of the room, there was a large lighted table with a detailed map of Ireland, several flags floated above various locations, some red, the rest yellow. Minister O'Galvin stood on a platform placed at the far end of the table, raising his arms to get everyone's attention. All of the conversations slowly died out, quieting to allow the minister to speak.

"I understand you are all tired after your travels and I am so very grateful for your service here today. Unfortunately, the ministry received what we believe may be evidence of yet another victim." The minister flicked his wand, casing the image of a young girl in her 20's, laying awkwardly in an unfilled gravesite, her blonde hair laying carelessly across her face, obscuring her features. An letter accompanied the photo, something he has not done yet, "My dear Minister O'Galvin," he began to read, "You don't know me, but I know you. The clock is ticking. Her death is now in your hands. Want more? I was planning to have her son join her, but I think I'd rather offer you a trade. Your life for his. Be sure someone sends proof of death." The Minister flicks his wand again, causing the photo and the yellow arrows to disappear, leaving one red arrow. "He included instructions for where to deliver...my head," the Minister squeaked. "The location is an abandoned asylum in Cork. "Now, when I call your name..."


Severus turned the last of the lights off in his...their...house, climbing into the empty, unmade bed. He pulled Harry's pillow to him, breathing in his scent as the tranquilizers Lucius brought him went to work. "Please come home quick, Harry."


Harry and Kingsley found themselves assigned to the primary infiltration unit. The plan had been simple enough: Bring a decoy box to the site and monitor for activity. It wasn't much, but unfortunately it was all they could do given a lack of any other information.

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