The pure half-demon

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Hanyuu woke up in the middle of the night, looking over the cot she slept in. She noticed that Kikyo was not in 'bed.'
Nor was she even in the room.
The horned girl got up, yawning a little bit and walked out the room, and out the shack. It was raining.
She rubbed her eyes, looking out the to the land before her. Straining her eyes to see a tall slender figure with a bow and her arrows.
It was Kikyo.
She looked different.
Her hair was down, blowing and free. While her clothes were waving in the wind. Kikyo herself looked calm and peaceful.
She was surrounded by white lights and orbs, some of them being carried by ghostly serpent creatures. Hanyuu quickly hid herself, before Kikyo could sense her.
'What is Lady Kikyo doing?' She thought to herself, glancing at the lights again. The lights brought a presence very unnerving, like they were alive.
"Auau.." the horned girl mumbled.
'Could those be.. No it can't be possible.'

"I know you are there, Hanyuu. I'm sorry you had to see this." Came a voice. The voice of the now sad priestess. Hanyuu came out of hiding, looking like a kid who got in trouble for spying.
"S-see what?"
"Come. Sit next to me and I shall explain everything I can." The priestess said, softly and invitingly. Hanyuu sat next to her, a little anxious. The water was dripping off of her horns and hair, but she didn't seem phased by it much.

"I am sure you can tell. I am dead." Kikyo started, looking Hanyuu in the eyes with a direct tone.
"O-oh.. Auau, I figured, but I didn't want to be mean..."
"Yes. I was killed 50 years ago, by a demon with the name of Naraku."
"N-naraku? That means Hell.." Hanyuu added, anxiously twitching at the thought of a murderous demon from hell.
"Ai. And I was resurrected by a witch named Urasue, who took my graves soul and remains, along with clay baked from human bones. She created my body once more."

"Au.. Is..i-is she-?"
"No. I killed her after getting a soul. The thing is," The priestess began again.
"After I had died, 500 years in the future a girl named Kagome Higurashi was born, with my soul inside her. She is my reincarnation. Urasue took her and gave me a fragment of her soul. But that is not enough, I must take the souls of women and men who are on the verge of death in order to survive."

"I-if you don't?"
"Then I will become an ordinary woman." Kikyo said with a sad smile. Hanyuu understood the implications quickly.
"Auau.. I think I know what you mean."

Kikyo reached into her kimono, taking out a shard of some kind of crystal.
"This is a Shikon No Tama jewel shard. Or Shikon jewel for short." She stated, handing it to Hanyuu for her to see it closer.
"I-i.. I've heard of this! I never thought it would've broke though..auauau." The horned girl said, holding it carefully.

"Yes, my reincarnation tends to do things that are considered reckless."
"I see."

Kikyo takes Hanyuu's hands into hers, keeping eye contact.
"If this gets into the hands of evil, it will corrupt. But the shard is also able to protect. It can substain a life, and heal injuries. Can you hold onto this one until you get home?" She asked.
Hanyuu looked at her, very flattered that Kikyo would ask her if all people, despite having a demonic appearance.

"Since you are a priestess, the jewel will be safest with you." Kikyo said, getting up and dusting off her outfit.
"Wh-where are you going?"
"Inside. We must rest up for tomorrow."
"Y-yes! Thank you, Lady Kikyo."

The next morning, Hanyuu got up and put the shard into a small glass container around her neck. She rain up to Kikyo and gave her a hug, shocking the latter.
"Are you alright, Hanyuu?"
"I-im very sorry! Me and Rika are very close.. We usually hug." The horned girl admitted, looking ashamed for hugging Kikyo.
"It is quite alright. Now please follow me. We must travel to find a way to get you home."

After some walking, Hanyuu got hungry. It didn't help that they were in the 15th century so getting food wouldn't be easy. At all.
"Lady Kikyo.."
"Are you hungry?" Kikyo asked, smiling and stopping.
"Y-yes.. May i go find something to eat?"
"You may. Please don't take too long."

Hanyuu ran off, smiling and looking for anything edibles and easy to get her hands on. Berries sounded good, so she looked for bushes.

A couple miles away

InuYasha and his group were walking.
"Say, Kagome. You don't happen to have any of your ninja food left?" Asked Shippo, the little fox demon.
"Nope. I'm sorry but I ran out." Kagome sighed out.
"That's alright! I'm sure Miroku will be able to get us some shelter and some food with his fake exercises!" Shippo chirped out, smiling innocently.

"I'm being accused of no such thing!" The monk said defensively.
"Who asked you?" Sango piped in, making Miroku go silent.

Every bodies stomach growled in hunger.

InuYasha sighed in annoyance.
"You humans are so weak! You can't go without eating for how long, huh?"
"InuYasha! Give us a break, we can't.." Kagome trailed off, feeling a presence.

"Hm? What is it Kagome?"
"I think I sense a jewel shard!! Its a little ways away but I sense it!" She said.

The group began to run in the direction.
"If a demon has its possession I will just kill it and take the shard!" InuYasha yelled, putting his hand on his sword.

The group got close to Hanyuu, who found a berry bush and was carefully collecting the fruit.

InuYasha walked up to her, Kagome in tow.
"Yes, she is the one with the shard!" Kagome confirmed.

Hanyuu looked up at them, confused.
"Auauau.. H-hello?" She greeted, only to be face to face with InuYasha's tessaiga.
"Auaua!! I-im sorry!! Please.. Please don't hurt me!" She cried out, with her hands in the praying possession.

"Huh?" The dog demon was confused. When demons have shards they are malevolent and cruel. And the girl before him looked like a demon, but she was begging for forgiveness while wearing the outfit of a priestess.
Kagome gasped at InuYasha's brutality towards the child.
"InuYasha! Sit boy!!" She shouted, causing the boy in question to fall face first into the grass.
"She's obviously a child!!" Kagome continued.

Kagome looked at Hanyuu, a little embarrassed but also worried for the poor girl.

"I'm sorry, are you ok?"
"Y-yes.. K-kikyo.. You look different." The horned girl said, making Kagome a little shocked.
"Huh!? You know Kikyo?" InuYasha asked, getting up quickly.
Hanyuu hid behind Kagome, scared of the tall dog demon who threatened her before.
"Why do you have a jewel shard?" Kagome inquired, with a soft voice.
"Kikyo gave it to me.."

Sango, Miroku, Shippo and Kirara came quickly into that area.
Sango saw the little girl, walking up to her with Kilala in her arms.

"What is your name?"
"H-hanyuu. Auau."

A few seconds later and Hanyuu picked up her berries and ran out of the area, the rest assumed she was going back to Kikyo.

"InuYasha.. Maybe you should check alone." Kagome spoke up.
"Kagome.. Sure." He said, slowly walking and following the scent of Hanyuu, noticing the scent of Kikyo too.

The crossover between Kikyo and HanyuuΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα