Chapter 7

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The next few days passed by without any significant change. The only differences were that the time they spent around each other was increasing by the day, and they were slowly growing more accustomed to each other. Aaden had also told Grace about her new clothes, and how she could shower. Grace had been ambivalent about trusting the giant's shower and clothes. Over time though, she had gotten used to it. Aaden unexpectedly didn't violate her privacy once. The meals that the giant practically gifted to her had also improved significantly in diversity. Grace tried to show her appreciation for the food as much as possible. But, after these few days of consistency, a horrid chain of events occurred. That day once again changed Grace's life.

Grace woke up extremely early, as she had previously planned to. This felt like the day. She had spent the past couple days finalizing her escape. However, she wondered why Aaden was always around. Didn't he have work to do? Didn't he have to hunt or gather? Anyways, Grace headed down the hallways, as quiet as a mouse.

Aaden was up early. He didn't know why, but he hadn't really been able to sleep the previous night. He rolled out of bed and slid on his slippers. He strolled over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass. He filled it halfway with water.

Grace heard footsteps. Coming her way. It was now or never. Her heart thumping, Grace slid under the insulation pad below the door. After a painfully long amount of time, she reached the other end. She stood up, taking a deep breath of the outside air. It had been too long since she'd been free from the giant's prison. It had snowed out, great. Another thing to add to her list of problems. But if she got a move on, she could likely get back home before it got too deep. Grace looked around, hoping to spot the berry bush. Fortunately, it was right there. But it was what was right beside it that made Grace paralyzed with fear.

The cat prowled by the bush, waiting to capture Grace. It was too close. Even if she tried to slip back underneath the door, the cat's paw would snatch her up. Once again, time seemed to slow as the cat pounced. She tried to run, but to no avail. She saw the cat's paw wrap around her body. She felt the cat's sharp, awful nails penetrate into her leg, but couldn't register the pain. She felt herself scream, but she couldn't hear herself. As her eyes rolled back into her head, Grace tried to come to terms with the cold grip of death.

Aaden stood by the window, enjoying the brief period of time before sunrise. It was dark, and Aaden liked it that way. He couldn't really explain why, but it felt good. By the strawberry bush, he spotted his neighbors' cat. The yellow eyes freaked him out for a second, before he realized it was just a cat. Then Aaden spotted a tiny silhouette in the cat's paw, and his heart froze.

"Grace!" he yelled, running out the door. He almost tripped head over heels due to the magnitude of his speed. Aaden knew that he couldn't let any harm befall Grace, but he feared he was already too late. As he neared the cat, it began to run away from him. In a split second decision, Aaden grabbed a strawberry off the bush and held it out towards the cat. In an enormous stroke of luck, the cat timidly approached him. He held the strawberry as an offering to the cat, but snatched it back as the cat tried to remove it from his grip. He held his other hand below the cat's jaw, beckoning for it to release Grace. The cat suspiciously released her, and gnawed on the strawberry when Aaden offered it up again.

Aaden had dodged a bullet. Too huge of a bullet. He hadn't considered the obvious possibility that Grace couldn't leave, and that that was the only reason she didn't. Why would she voluntarily choose to stay with the species that her people had committed to staying hidden from? Of course she wouldn't.

With a jolt, Aaden realized that his quick footsteps must be jarring the tiny girl. He slowed his pace, looking down at her. He winced when he saw the claw gash on her leg. In Aaden's unprofessional opinion, it likely wouldn't cause permanent or long-term damage. Of course, Aaden wouldn't be able to get a professional opinion.

Aaden found that watching Grace sleep in his palm was peaceful. He knew it seemed creepy, but her sleeping form was just so cute. He cupped her close to his chest, providing body warmth in the harsh winter air. Aaden wanted to ease the tension in her body with his fingers, but he knew that he should keep their physical contact to a minimum. Anything more than necessary might break the trust that he had worked so hard over the past couple days to build.

Aaden rested Grace onto a soft towel atop the kitchen counter. He grabbed a first aid kit, hoping he would be able to use most of the supplies on the miniature lady. Disinfectant. That would work on her. He held out the isopropyl soaked cloth, hesitant. He knew what he had to do, but he didn't know if he could watch Grace suffer.

"Well," he reasoned with himself, "the cut getting infected would be a lot more painful." He wiped the wound with the cloth, actively disinfecting it. He saw Grace crying out with pain in her sleep, and felt slightly guilty. Aaden grabbed some gauze from the kit, cutting it both vertically and horizontally to fit Grace. As he tightened the gauze, Grace cried out again. Suddenly, Aaden couldn't take it. He put the tip of his finger in her hand. Grace squeezed it tightly for comfort. 

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