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7:30 am

Everything's gone. Either my eyes are covered, or there's no trace of light. 

How long have I been here? Where even am I? What time is it? Is it day or night? 

I try looking around, seeing a small square which I assume to be a window, the light faintly pouring through. Judging by how much light there was, I'm guessing its midday. I feel around trying to figure out what all is around me. Instantly I'm met with a cold concrete surface. The floor. Who has concrete floors?! Is it concrete? It seems too smooth for that. Too smooth and cold for concrete. Marble maybe? Sitting up I glance around trying to see if my eyes have adjusted to the current lighting. I could barely make out the small nightstand next to the bed I just fell out of. 'Where am I?'


Footsteps... Voices... I still have no clue where I am or how to get out. It's darker outside, so I was right about the time of day. Unless I dozed off without realizing.

A knock, on I guess a door, shakes me from my thoughts. "Who's there?" I call out, my voice raspy, making it almost silent. A door opens revealing bright light, and three figures, people standing there. "Oh- your finally awake!" One of the figures says. The voice is almost deep enough to remind me of Vin Diesel from Fast and Furious, but not that deep. "How long have I been out? And where am I?"

The silence was so loud it hurt. Why weren't they answering me? Did they not hear me? Did I say something stupid? No. It's none of those things. "You've been asleep the past five days-" the deep voiced figure replied. "We weren't sure when you'd wake up" I stared at them, still not comprehending what's was going on. "There's no way I was asleep that long." I replied in a mumble. "Where am I, if you don't mind me asking?" I started to stand, heading closer to the people standing before me. "I don't remember where I am, and I wasn't here before I fell asleep last night..."

They turned to each other, whispered something then looked back at me. By now I was only a few feet from them. I could just barely make out slight facial features, just enough to tell there was one guy, a girl and one of which I couldn't quite tell. "Your at Jason's place." The female said. "We found you passed out by the edge of the water. We weren't sure if something happened to you."

The male from before spoke up. "You were gone for a few hours, you said you were going to hang out with some people, and you never came back. So we went to look for you."

"What happened that night?"

Word count:479

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2022 ⏰

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