Crossover between Kikyo and Hanyuu

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What if Hanyuu from Higurashi met Kikyo from InuYasha somehow?

Muffled cries were heard, echoing all throughout a cluttered forest next to a village.
The villagers were scared to check things out, after all the sounds could be a trap by a demon.
Luckily a priestess who went by the name Kikyo, was in that village.
"Please, Lady Kikyo, how can we repay you for checking in on us?" The headman asked, bowing in his gratitude.
"Might I ask what that crying is?"
"Oh.. That sound comes from the forest, but none of us are brave enough to make sure it's not a demon." He replied, shaking his head.

"I will check." Kikyo got up, getting her arrows and ready to walk out of the shack.
"Oh please do! Thank you."

The priestess walked through the forest, admiring her surroundings. She began to sense a demonic aura, but the thing is.. It seemed almost pure.
She stopped, hearing the crying begin once more. Kikyo walked until she found a little bush, behind it was a clearing. And in the clearing was a small figure. Crouched in the fetal position, softly crying. The figure was desperately trying to muffle her sounds before she noticed another presence in the area. She slowly looked up and saw Kikyo.

Kiyo had her arrows in one hand, just in case. But looked at the, now confirmed, girl with a peaceful yet inquiring face. She got on her knees, to show she wasn't planning on attacking the poor girl and got down to her level.

"Wh-who are you?" The small girl asked, she looked no more than 11 years old, with pastel colored purple hair. And that was when Kikyo noticed her horns and outfit.
"I am the priestess Kikyo. Who are you? Why are you crying alone in a small space like this?"
The girl looked at Kikyo, before slightly backing up.
"Have you come to slay me? Auau.." The petite child questioned. She put her hands on her horns, almost like she was trying to hide them.
"I will not hurt you. I just worry about a child all alone." Responded the now slightly concerned Kikyo. 'Have people tried to kill this child before? Why?' She thought.

"M-my name is Hanyuu.. Auau." Hanyuu finally spoke, this time desperately trying to hide her horns.
"I couldn't help but notice you are wearing the clothes of a priestess. Are you one?" Kikyo asked.
"I am a shrine maiden, yes.. But I suppose I don't qualify as one."
Kikyo sat next to her, with a puzzled expression.
"And why is that?"
"Well…" Hanyuu removed her hands from her horns. She looked at Kikyo, wincing a bit before seeing that the priestess wasn't in any shock, or even anger.
"Yes I noticed your horns before. But," Kikyo tried to rethink her words to make a kinder approach. "I don't see why you wouldn't count as a Miko."
"Look at me.. I resemble a..auau… A demon." Hanyuu choked back tears when saying the last part. Like it was bringing back memories.

Kikyo smiled sorrowfully.
"Are you a half demon? Your name certainly sounds familiar."
"N-no.. Well I don't know. I'm supposed to be a god, but after.." She trailed off, shuddering at her memories.

"Do you know why you are here?" Kikyo asked once more, trying her hardest not to press.

"...I was with my best friend, Rika.. But she died and I was transported here, with all of my past memories."
"So you are from another time period?"
"Yes, 1983.. When is this?" Asked Hanyuu, still shaken up.

"That I do not know. But it is war time right now. It is very Feudal here."

Hanyuu looked around at her surroundings again, noticing not a single building in sight, nor even a temple.

"I see…"

"You are not living. Are you?" Asked Kikyo, as she looked Hanyuu in the eye.
"N-not really auau.. I was killed hundreds of years ago."

"So you are a priestess brought back to life and forced into another time period, where you either fight or allow yourself to die." Kikyo thought out loud, making Hanyuu look at her with a bit of nervousness.
"How can you-"
"I know exactly how that feels, Hanyuu. I understand perfectly what you are going though. Aside from being a demon."

".... You do. Don't you?"
"Ai. Shall I take you to the village?"
"No! No please!! If you do.. They will kill me!" Hanyuu pleaded. The priestess was a little taken aback concerned for the little girl's wellbeing.
"Please consider, Hanyuu. You have spiritual powers, yes?"
"I do. But the village… My village.. Disease, syndrome. All because of me.. It was, all.. My fault auaua." The half-demon began to cry again, hugging Kikyo for comfort despite the latter being cold and without a heartbeat.
"I highly doubt that, Hanyuu. I can explain to them that you are a priestess despite your appearance. That way you have shelter and a job before you find a way back home." Kikyo explained, patting the crying child's back, comfortingly.
"Must I find it myself? My way home..back to Rika Furude..?"
"Is that your friend?"

Kikyo thought for a moment, 'This is different from when Kagome comes here and from her Era. There's no bone-eaters well or fast way to get this poor child home. Perhaps I can stay with her until we figure out a way.'

"If you wish, I can stay with you a little while. To observe at least." Kikyo stated, making Hanyuu look up at her with newly found safety.
"Can I even train under you? I promise not to be a burden auau!"
"Perhaps.. But before it gets dark, we must seek shelter in the village. Please follow me."

They both walked back to the village, unscathed. Kikyo explained to the headman that she found a child crying in the forest, and that she is half-demon. But she made sure to clarify that Hanyuu is not evil, and is simply a priestess in training.

"How can a demon be a priestess!?" He asked, bewildered at the thought.
Kikyo looked at him with slight malice while Hanyuu was resting in her lap.
"I promise you, she is not here to spread hatred or evil. She simply wants to give it a try."

"Well.. I suppose if you, a priestess, are saying this. Then it might be true." The headman scratched his head and showed Kikyo and Hanyuu to their room.

Boom! One shot completed!! Let me know if I should make a follow up post!

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