4; The Capitol

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Morning sunlight filtered through the window of the train car, pouring on me as I made my way to the dining hall, where everyone else awaited my arrival.
Beverly greeted me brightly, eyes glimmering with such a joy that I despised so early in the morning, "Good morning, Bea. Did you sleep well?"
Sleep wasn't a thing when you're a tribute of a Game where you're hunted by every fear you could think of, but I wasn't about to say that I stayed up all night thinking of my misery to a Capitol's folk. No doubt she'll drug me tonight if I tell her. And I for one, don't want to become a morphling addict for the last moments of my life.

"Sure." I murmured, sitting down beside my brother and wishing I was closer to the window, so that way I can collect my thoughts with the sight of Panem.
"Not a morning person, huh?" Gunter smirked toward me. I glared at him in response while Kei gave him actual words, "Eh, sometimes she is."
That was the kindest way of saying that I don't want to be here, so much so that I don't think Gunter really understood what Kei truly meant. But he had a look of understanding. His grayish green eyes darkened.

Capitol attendants came into the room with carts of food. The first smell that met my nose was coffee. I turned my head to the carts, my gaze landing on the pot. If I can't clear my thoughts with the window, then I can with coffee.
I've only had coffee twice in my entire life- once with dad and once with mom. Being the mayor, my father can afford to buy some types of coffee. Not the expensive Capitol stuff, but still nonetheless coffee.

Beverly murmured a gentle, sweet thank you to the attendant. They smiled and left, leaving behind a feast about to be ravished. Me and Kei's bellies growled as Beverly set down huge pots and pans of food in the center of the table. A smile formed on her face, melting away any negative emotion, "Dig in!"
My hand immediately went for the pot of coffee, pouring myself some in a smallish cup. I then grabbed some sugar and creamer nearby the pot.
Gunter let out a chuckle, "So you're a coffee addict, I assume?"
"Oh no, no I'm not," I chuckled as well, "I just feel like coffee is the best choice to wake myself up with."
"You're right about that." Gunter glanced at Beverly, who was also getting a cup of coffee. She glared right back.

Today seemed to have everyone a little more chatty. At least, Kei's been joining in our conversations. Everyone seems to be excited- because our journey inside the train is coming to an end. We're nearing the Capitol. Districts closer to the Capitol take their time to arrive, but they're still one of the first to arrive. Therefore they're there longer. I sighed softly, taking a sip of my coffee and taking a roll.
Gunter looked at Kei and I, "Listen you two, as we get closer and closer to the Capitol- remember you goals. Every action you make should be based on achieving it."
I smiled softly, glancing at Kei then back to Gunter, "Already ahead of you."

Nothing else happened really after breakfast. Though toward noon we would arrive in the Capitol, so everyone was preparing themselves for that. As sat on the bed I slept in, fiddling with a pen and setting down a tiny notebook onto the sheets, I went through the recap of yesterday through my head, writing down every name I remembered.
Brooke and Harver. Timberly Cook. Marigold Greenbloom and Rowan Nightingale. That's all I kept track of. A sigh came from my lips, letting out stress, but it was sucked right back up when a sudden knock was at my door.
"Come in."
Kei opened the door, entering my room. I smiled gently toward him, "What do you need?"
"Just wanted to check on you. Chill with you before..." He trailed off, though I knew what he was talking about. He sat beside me on the bed, looking at the notes I wrote down.
"Is this all the tributes?" He looked at me and tilted his head
I laughed softly, "No, just the ones I remembered the names to. I think it's a good idea to write things down, so that way we have a better chance of remembering." It also helped that I made that imaginary folder in my head, but he probably already knows about that. I usually made 'folders' in my head to store important information. And the Games is definitely important to us now.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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