Chapter 5: Keep Your Gun at the Ready

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The girls laughed as they made their way down the sidewalk toward 221B Baker street. They stood out slightly. Tresa  was wearing her favorite pair of bright green jeans along with the neon green shirt she had gotten from the theater. Above the shirt, she had a purple jacket that was cropped above her waist. Moon wore a maroon jumper with the image of an owl on it, canary yellow skirt with black leggings and a dark purple shirt. They looked utterly different, Moon with her black hair tied back in a messy bun and Tresa with her blonde hair, completed with -you guessed it- neon green stripes.

They stopped and knocked on the door, waiting for the elderly landlady, Mrs. Hudson to answer. “Well, hello girls. Can I help you?” She asked with a kind smile on her face.

“Actually, yes.” Moon smiled back while Tresa played with a brand new flashdrive around her neck. “We were wondering if we could talk to you about you tenants. Mister Holmes and Mister Watson.”

“Oh, they haven’t done something wrong, have they? Those two boys, always getting into trouble. Come on in. Can I offer you some tea?” She lead the girls inside, seating them at her table.

“Yes, thank you. Tresa, say thank you.” Moon nudged.

“Thank you.” Tresa grumbled under her breath, just loud enough for Mrs. Hudson to hear.

“Well, what about Sherlock and John?”  Mrs. Hudson asked, setting down two cups of tea in front of them. Moon smiled sweetly and sipped it, but Tresa didn’t touch the cup.

“So, Mrs. Hudson. This visit is primary on the fact that we tried to gain the help from your tenant Sherlock Holmes, and he rejected the offer. This has dissuaded us from contacting Mr. Holmes and we simply wish to ask you if you could be so kind as to ask him again for us. You see, he called us a number of unsavoury names, like idiots and thieves, and we do not wish to have any further contact with him at the moment. So if you can relay this information, you would be doing us a great favour.”

Mrs. Hudson looked traumatized. “He called you names? Refused your offer? That is quite unlike the Sherlock I know.”

“We apologise for dropping by unannounced, madam,” Moon said, grabbing her messenger bag from under the table and rising to leave. “And we apologise for occupying your time. Thank you for the tea, Earl Gray is my favourite. Au revoir, Mrs. Hudson,” She said, tapping Tresa on the elbow in a silent gesture to get up. Tresa rose from her chair and set the cup on the table.

“May I show you to the door?” Mrs. Huson asked.

“No, no, I do believe we can find our own way out. Thank you very much for your understanding,” Said Moon, who disappeared in the hallway with Tresa by her side. She opened the door and slammed it shut, but didn’t go outside. Then she peeked back into the kitchen to see Mrs. Hudson occupied by clearing the dishes, and the two of them sneaked upstairs to flat 221b.

They slid inside and looked around the slightly messy flat before smiling evilly at each other. “So, what should we do first?” Tresa asked, pulling out a large, permanent, neon green marker.

“Leave the message next to the smiley face. I’ll go mess up Sherlock’s room and you can do John’s.” Moon ordered. Tresa squealed in excitement and uncapped the marker, starting to write. Moon walked back into Sherlock’s room. The blanket was in a crumpled heap at the end of his bed, there were books piled all over the dresser, but were neatly put into place on the bookshelf. She smiled to herself, walking over to the bookshelf and pulling out books, putting them in different places. It was small, but she knew it would mess with him.

After she finished there, she neatly made his bed before pulling out a pen and paper and writing a small note, leaving it under the pillow.

In the living room, Tresa finished writing a note of her own. Across the wall, it read ‘You know how to contact us.’ She smiled at her nice handwriting and jogged up the stairs to John’s room.

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