Damon Knoll

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There he was Damon Knoll, The highest ranking Business owner, standing high above the buildings in his studio. Orange eyes Shining brightly, Smooth and white skin, A build perfect for a man of his type, Muscular arms, toned abs, and short hair as black as the deepest ends of the sea. He had a smile on his face and he was covered in the smell of Pumpkin spice. He seemed to be happy but pissed. Though nobody knew the exact reason as to why. He was in a bad mood everyday but never had a reason to be seriously angered unless it was major, or he had unintentionally switched. He had a smile on his face and arms were crossed with a sheet of paper in hand. He walked away from the window throwing the paper down before falling back into his chair slowly spinning deep in thought. There was a knock on the door to which he replied with 'Open' before it clicked and a man The exact opposite of him walked in. Eyes sharp as a needle and Red as Blood, a slim body almost near bone, Hair white fading into cerulean blue Tips, Tone Paler than those you'd see in movies, He seemed like an assistant from the tailors suit he was wearing. He placed a sheet of paper on the desk before standing and waiting for a command.

"What's my schedule?"
"You have a meeting with The fans at five and A presentation for the directors at three."
"The shipment?"
"Ready to go."
"And it's contents?"
"In perfect condition."
"Great then you can leave."
It was brief and quick he had no intention to continue a conversation that was already over. As the assistant went to leave he stopped himself.
He questioned getting a hum in reply.
He stared for a moment before giving a sigh.
Shutting the door Damon looked at it wondering what it was he needed, brushing it off he headed back towards his work. He had finished his files several minutes before the meeting so he just decided to check on his colleagues. As he walked around the building he noticed some were missing but none the less they shouldn't be gone more than a day.
As he continued walking around he looked at his watch just as he arrived in front of the meeting room . It read '3:00' He smirked just as he pushed open the doors seeing all directors and his project already set up, as His assistant headed out, They crossed paths when Damon laid his hand on his shoulder.
"Thanks Miller."
He smiled before they split ways. Damon continued further into the room head held high like he was expecting an applause or praise for carrying such poise.

As expected he was praised for his success throughout his time as manager of the business. His meeting had been successful and he was given a raise a big one in fact. He was headed towards the outer ends of his building when bumping into his assistant. He glared at him before realizing exactly who it was as Miller fell to he floor losing his glasses and files. He groaned once Colliding with the floor, It seemed Miller was quite weak and frail. Heading straight for the doors not bothering with his assistant he put on a smile. As he pushed open the door he was met with crowds of people and guards shoving the off the grounds. He sighed in disappointment  as to how and why people act this way for just him. Of course he may have been the CEO of a designer company and the youngest multimillionaire but there still shouldn't have been a reason for people to act like such wild animals over an autograph or even a simple smile from him. He sat down in a chair which felt way to uncomfortable especially for a man of his build. The audience and crowd had slowly started to form a line which formed from his company and a mile further. The entire line seemed to be of young women ranging from the age of 17 to the age of 45. One woman had bee a reporter along with a Few others and decided on some questions  with the male about further products. Although none had gotten a sentence out before they were dragged away by security. He may have seemed like the nice, honest, and kind man on the outside but if you've known him long enough you've  seen the real him. A selfish male who twists the truth in order to get his way, a Man with absolutely no amount of Nice In him other than when he's acting, and Kind why that doesn't even begin to describe him. But at the same time it was all true. He was kind, caring, and even honest for only people he truly cared for.

The meeting had ended and he was in a terrible mood he only showed it when he arrived at his office. He threw his jacket to the couch on the opposite side of his desk. There was a small shelf beside it filled with three different drinks. It was always restocked a new one each day. Though from the looks it was never touched. He headed straight for the beverages not even bothering he grabbed the first one that being vodka and grabbed a cup from the top shelf before pouring himself a drink and sitting down on the couch. A couple of minutes had passed and his anger seemed to rise he needed something or someone to take it out on. Just as he was thinking to himself on who to take it out on in walks his assistant. His thoughts cleared just as he realized exactly what he was there for. Miller shut the door silently behind him and locked it. He removed his jacket and started to undress while heading towards his boss.

As Miller continued to dress himself his boss was sitting shirtless on the couch smoking.  He kept glancing between the window and Miller's reflection.
Damon spoke as Miller was about to put on his shirt. He put his cigar in the ash tray and headed towards Miller. He wrapped his hands around Miller's waist and laid his head in the crook of his neck.
"You should stay longer."
He spoke not bothering to move. Miller had no clue as to how to react, He was having an affair with his boss who was already married.
"I- Uh- I think I should start heading back now."
Damon knew what he was hinting at but still didn't let go. It was to early for Miller to leave.
"Sir? I'm gonna be late for my next class if I don't head back."
He sighed in sadness and kissed Miller's collarbone before letting go and helping him finish dressing.

He dropped Miller off at school gaining some attention before heading home. Once arriving home he put on an overcoat and headed inside waiting for his wife and daughter. He put on a small smile and pushed open the door.
"I'm Home!"
He said Shutting the door and hanging up his jacket.
A little girl screamed from the stairs and jumped into her father's arms. He laughed and spun around with the girl in arms. He kissed her forehead and placed her down. She ran back up the stairs to her room.
"Welcome home Damon."
His wife said unenthusiastically. He just sighed before making his way to the kitchen.
"Hello Hannah."
He spoke back just as dull.
"How was your day?"
She continued finishing up the plates not bothering to look at her backstabbing husband.
"It was normal."
She yelled finally turning towards her husband and slamming down his plate.
She glared at him before heading back for the other plates. She gently set them down on the table while her daughter burst down the stairs.

Dinner was silent halfway through when Haylie decided to break the awkward silence between her parents.
"Soo... How was your day Dad?"
He nearly choked on his food when asked that question.
"It was great."
He didn't  want to continue  this conversation  any further as his wife had a short temper and was already getting frustrated just sitting next to him.
"Oo....Kay anything else?"
He sighed before looking at his daughter.

"Listen dear how about we have a conversation about this later your mother doesn't seemed to be in the mood."
"Oh really there you go dragging me into your conversations. "
"Can we not do this right now?"
"No we can finish this right here."
"Look dear-"
"Don't you dare. I'm not your wife anymore. Don't even think of calling me that after you cheated on me with your fucking assistant. "
"Shut It Damon How could you after everything I've done. I gave you a daughter I gave you a family I loved you."
She went quite as he slammed his hands on the table.
"Haylie are you finished?"
She nodded silently and stood up out of her seat.
" I'll head up to my room now."
She said quietly giving her mother some shame of yelling at the table.

There was a screaming match as Haylie headed upstairs a crash and glass breaking then she heard her mother screaming something that broke her heart.
There was silence after his words. She started to panic but obviously  being an actor for a living kept it undercontrol.
"What Are You talking about I never slept with Matthew."
"Oh don't play fucking dumb with me where do you think Haylie went that night?"
"Wha- She just went to her tree house."
"She called me crying. Begging me to come pick her up because she could hear the moans and so could I Through the fucking phone that wasn't even on Speaker! We spent the night at the office."
Hannah stood there horrified of what she just heard.
"I want a divorce."
Her husband shocked by the sudden words reluctantly agreed.

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