Episode 2: Love At First Sight

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It was turning just 7AM on a normal Monday in Toon City Bugs and Daffy are up and awake and they're playing tennis at the local tennis park

Daffy: *hits the ball* Oh! Remember when I lied about me and Tina getting married? it felt like yesterday

Bugs: That's because it is yesterday *hits the ball back* What about her?

Daffy: "Her"?

Bugs: *points to someone behind him*

Daffy: Hm? *turns around* Whoa...

It was a beautiful blonde light gold furred bunny girl

Daffy: Ooh, ain't that a view! *Eyes become hearts*

Bugs: She looks pretty *his head gets hit by a tennis ball Ow!*

Player: Oops! Sorry!

Bugs: Who is she?

Player: Oh that's Lola, a newcomer to the city like you

Bugs: Nice, let me introduce to her

Bugs goes up to the lovely rabbit.

Bugs: Hi, excuse me--

Suddenly, the player that Lola is playing swings the ball with his racket hard and Lola dodges from the ball and Bugs gets hit.

Bugs: OW!!

Bugs collapses.

Lola: Oh my! Are you okay?

Bugs: That hurt...*opens eyes seeing her adorable concerned face*

Lola's eyes widens as she stares at his handsome eyes.

Lola: Oh wow um are you okay?

Bugs: I don't know. Do I look okay?

Lola: smiles Well, I think you look great

Daffy: *watching* Hehehe

Bugs: I think you look great too

Daffy: Get a room!

Lola: Huh??

Bugs: *winces* I'm sorry about him, he's my best friend

Lola: That's okay, I'm Lola

Bugs: That's a pretty name, I'm Bugs

They smiled one another. Later, Bugs went back to Daffy.

Daffy: So, how did it go?

Bugs: Went nice

Daffy: Great

The two bunnies went to a fancy restaurant

Waiter: Can I get you anything in this evening?

Both: I'll have the carrot soup

They look at each other and chuckled

Bugs: Two carrot soups, try not mix it up doc

Lola: *giggles*

Waiter: *rolls his eyes*

Then, he walks off

Bugs: I say this is off to a pretty good start

Lola: *blushes*

Bugs: You look very pretty, I love your hair

Lola: That's just my ears but thanks

Bugs: How long have you been playing tennis?

Lola: My whole life it's kind of my passion

Bugs: *a little confused* Huh

Then Lola's phone rings

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