chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Set Em Up N Knock Em Down

In regard to a point brought up in a review, everything I could find said that Eileen Prince was the last of the Princes, and there was only conjecture that she may have been disowned for marrying a muggle, like Andromeda Black was disowned for marrying the Muggleborn Ted Tonks, so in my world Severus Snape was the only member of the Noble House of Prince and Minor House of Snape (Snape bought the holdings needed to obtain a Baronet to get himself the status he believed that he deserved, because no-one had never told him anything about his mother's Noble family).

Usual disclaimers, no rights to any characters portrayed and this is neither the real world nor a Disney Princess tale. There will provably be changes in the first hour or so as I find things that didn't come out the way I wanted.

Amelia and the others relaxed once Quirrell's body went through the veil with its dark passenger, because they were all safer with Voldemort and his horcruxes gone, not just Harry. Amelia called for the Wizengamot members to come to her office, getting the pensieve set up so that the ones who had been at Hogwarts could present carefully selected memories which offered damning evidence that Albus Dumbledore had lost his facilities (she was thankful that the Muggle restrictions on the use of circumstantial evidence weren't generally known or accepted in Magical Britain, as she could paint Dumbledore in a rather bad light with what they'd put together), adding some of the recorded memories as well. She had to admit that what Harry set up with the wands had been a master stroke, because Dumbledore had never let anyone examine the Elder Wand too closely and didn't talk about it, for fear of a stronger wizard winning it off him, so to be ranting and raving that the wand which looked just like the one everyone remembered him having for over half century wasn't his, and then having Garrick Ollivander confirm that it was most definitely the wand that his grandfather had sold to Dumbledore put him in a very bad light.

Malfoy and Nott just said that they'd been saying that the old fool wasn't competent for years and left, and Doge and Macmillan refused to listen to these lies about a great man like Albus and left too, no doubt to try and warn Albus about what was going on (they'd put money on Doge at least heading straight to Dumbledore). That cleared the way for Amelia to use the earlier memories of Dumbledore and Severus (she smiled to herself as she saw Tiberius and John trying to work out why they were referring to him his given name now, and more to the point, why they couldn't remember his surname) drawing their wands to attack the Aurors, and Dumbledore trying to stop them taking Severus out and arguing with Amelia. Amelia left in what she and Minerva were taunting him with, because it could easily be explained by them being angry that he'd exposed the students of Hogwarts to both a Death Eater that students had been complaining about for ten years and Voldemort, and her niece and ward was just starting at Hogwarts. Alastor, Augusta, Angela, Sirius and Cyrus supported this by angrily saying that if their children and wards had been harmed by what Dumbledore had brought into the school, they would have ended him! Minerva also pointed out that she and the other heads of house and professors had often taken issues about how Severus treated the students to the Headmaster but he'd put them off every time.

Amelia changed tack then, bringing up the fact that the Headmaster had shown that he clearly regarded his own wishes as sufficient to override the immutable thousand year old laws of Magical Britain, and that he had actually attempted to join that Death Eater and Voldemort in attacking the Aurors. They put the memories into the pensieve to show how this happened and it was clear that he had in fact drawn his wand and begun to throw curses at the Aurors before he was stunned (they were careful to only show Dumbledore's actual stunning from angles where the stunners heading for Snape in the background made it appear that he'd been stunned by a number of them like Quirrell to avoid questions about how one person could have had that much power, especially when it was an eleven year old boy who'd done it). They also showed how Dumbledore had started to throw Reductos towards the students in an attempt to stop the Sorting Hat from finishing what it was saying about why Slytherin was the only choice for Ronald Weasley.

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