Chapter One

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the papers were in the mailbox when Lucifer and Dan woke up that morning, they hadn't had much contact with Chloe over the past few months, she had taken off with Pierce and they were going all over Europe, but they never actually thought she would do something like this. "what should we do?" Dan asked Lucifer, almost crying out of shock. "let's wait until our Urchin comes home from school, at least let's give her a few more hours of hope that her mother might come back," Lucifer sighed.

he hated to admit that he was in love with Chloe at one time, he knew Dan did also. but he will admit any day of the week that he was in love with Dan and that Trixie was his daughter, she could be a bratty teenager sometimes, but she was always going to be his baby girl. "I'm going to let Amenadiel, Maze, and Linda know that Trixie might be needing to spend the night, you know, just so she can get away from it all for a while," Dan said, "yeah that's a good idea Daniel," Lucifer said pecking Dan's lips. "don't get stressed babe, it's not good for the little ones," Dan added, placing his hand on the eight and a half-month-old baby bump Lucifer was sporting

Trixie was crying and Dan was shocked, Lucifer just tried to be there for his family. "Daniel, you should probably call Amenadiel and have him pick up Beatrice on his way home from work," Lucifer said softly to Dan in the kitchen while he was making a chocolate cake. Trixie required all the comfort she could get and damn, Lucifer doubted he could make enough chocolate cake.

"you're probably right, maybe we should ask Linda to have a talk with her about it while she's there, it couldn't hurt, right?" Dan said searching Lucifer's face for any sign that things were going to be ok."Yeah, it took me eons to recover from my father sending me to hell, luckily Chloe didn't do anything that drastic," Lucifer said, "I'll go call Amenadiel and see if he can pick her up on his way home from work," Dan said walking out of the room to make a call.

Lucifer's heart broke for his step-daughter, no, his daughter, he was going to do the best he could to hopefully take over as "mom" to Trixie, because Trixie deserved the best parents in the world who would do anything for her, and since Chloe wasn't going to do that, then he would, he would go to hell and back for his sweet baby girl. Lucifer was ashamed that he had ever been interested in her, and he couldn't believe that he and Dan almost made her godmother to one of their daughters.

Amenadiel was only a few blocks away so he picked Trixie up in his cop car and took her to his, Maze, and Linda's house a few miles away. Lucifer was thankful that he and Amenadiel had reconciled their differences and were now as thick and thieves. after that, Lucifer and Dan were sitting on the couch discussing what they should do next. they were defiantly going to be taking Trixie to see Linda.

this was one of the few times Lucifer was thankful that his father kicked him out of heaven and banished him to hell, he knew how to handle a situation like this even though every case is different, he felt like he could make some assumptions about what it was like for Trixie, at least she had her two favorite dads to help her through the pain of her mother being a total asshole, I mean who the fuck would willingly abandon their child because her Fiance didn't want them around, it was insane.

"Luce, are you ok?" Dan asked when Lucifer lurched forward in pain, Lucifer holding the baby bump. "I-I-I th-think they're coming," Lucifer groaned, Dan knew exactly what Lucifer meant. "ok, ok, I'll start the bath, it's going to be ok Babe," Dan said, as he stood from the couch and went to start the bath, thankful that he had gotten a crash course in Angel birth from Charlotte (Lucifer's mother) before she came back to being Charlotte, unfortunately though, with Angel birth the best thing to do is let nature takes it course.

Dan came back a few minutes later and carried Lucifer into the bathroom, he was in too much pain to walk on his own, "how are you doing my love?" Dan asked as he set Lucifer in the bath after helping him get out of his pants and sweater, "i-it h-hurts," Lucifer stuttered. "I know baby, do you want me to have Linda come down and help, or do you want it to be the two of us?" Dan asked, "two... of.. us," Lucifer panted when the contraction ended.

it was a long process, and Lucifer was in terrible pain the whole time, it honestly broke Dan's already broken heart, he didn't want Lucifer to be in pain and he wished that aspirin would work to ease the pain. not only for Lucifer but Dan was pretty sure his hand was broken or maybe even crushed because Lucifer was using his full Celestial strength.

but at exactly 10 pm that night the first baby was born, a boy they named Nathaniel James Morningstar, his first shrieks were one of the best things the couple had ever heard. Dan wrapped Nathaniel in a towel before running out of the room to lay Nathaniel down on their bed, before running back to the bathroom and retook Lucifer's hand, "you're doing great baby," Dan encouraged.

five minutes later their first daughter was born, Oriana Lynn Morningstar. she was also wrapped in a blanket before being rushed to be set with her bother on the bed, Dan checked to make sure everything was going smooth and was shocked to see that there was another head about to come out. "there's another one Luce!" Dan said, excitement and a bit of panic mixed in his voice. Lucifer let out a painful cry.

Mallory Joan Morningstar was born a few minutes later. Dan wrapped her in the softest towel he could find before setting her next to her sister and brother on the bed. "you did amazing Luce," Dan said whipping the sweat from Lucifer's forehead.

(A/N: don't forget to comment)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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