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Idk if I'll put abuse in it, but it will have mentions of it. Like it's being talked about. (Either way, I'll let you know ahead of time)
Same thing for SH, there will be mentions of it, but I don't know if I'll put in it happening. (I'll let you know whenever I find out)
I'll update the TW's if needed.
[Some people don't read the descriptions, that's why I added it here.]


Todoroki had a hard childhood.
His mom was sent away. His dad expected and still expects a lot from him.

But when he was younger, his dad would abuse him. If Todoroki did or said something a sort of way that Endeavor didn't like, Endeavor would beat him.

When Todoroki got into UA, he requested for a dorm, so now he doesn't have to worry as much about the abusing part. His dad just spams him every now and then.

But because of Todoroki's past, it's made it made it hard for him to trust anyone. He has developed trust issues.

A incident happened in the dorms, so now most people will be two to a dorm.
Now Bakugou and Todoroki share a dorm..

Todoroki starts warming up to Bakugou, and Bakugou starts to notice that the other boy has trust issues.
He's determined to help.

Who knows how it will go...

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