Choose Wisely

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Jennie's POV

Chaeng i'm sorry if i didn't choose you love i'm sorry but please come back to me i just realize i cant live without you love i'm sorry


No one's POV

"Now Jennie Kim i'm gonn ask you again.....who would you choose number 1 Kai Jongin the one you love but cheat on you or let's just say that he didn't love you" The man said while pointing the gun in the head of Jongin

"Or 2.....Park Chaeyoung all she did was to love you but keep pushing her away and break up with her because you choose Kai before and you said she hurt your sister before" The man evilly said again but now pointing the gun in Chaeyoung's head

"CHOOSE WISELY KIM" The man evilly laugh but Jennie can't choose because the two is important to her life  

First she look at Kai she look at her eyes telling to pick her then she look at Chaeyoung pleading too to her

"Now i give you the time to pick Kim did you pick already?" But Jennie still didn't said anything

"Your hard-headed ha......I'm gonna give you one minute Kim if you still didn't choose i'm gonna go and shot this two in head"

"No please no don't do this please" Jennie plead but the man didn't listen to her and ready her gun to shot the two

"NO JEN PLEASE JUST PICK ME I CAN LOVE YOU I'M GONNA CHOOSE YOU NOW AND NOT GONNA CHEAT ON YOU, WE WILL BE HAPPY LIKE YOU WANT BEFORE PLEASE CHOOSE ME PLEASE" Kai keep pleading to her but Chaeyoung didn't spare a look at Jennie knowing that Jennie not gonna pick/save her

"Choose who you want to die"

"I choose........Kai

"Please Jen don't do this" Kai pleading to Jennie

"Ok le--"

"I'm gonna save Kai" Jennie said while close her eyes, Kai sigh in relief but Chaeyoung sigh in defeat (i know your still not gonna pick me) the blonde said in her mind

"Ok let go free Kai now" The man said to her gun man

"But before that-" the man said and punch Kai in many times so he past out

"STOP THAT PLEASE!!" Jennie shout crying she's hurting because she see Kai in that state

"Now you get what you want then let us free" Jennie's dad said

"Ok let them free but not Jennie Kim"

"Why?" Jennie's dad ask

"We just want to see if she's not gonna regret her decision or in a simple word we want her to see the person who love's her dying" The man evilly laugh so they bring Jennie where they gonna kill Chaeyoung

When Jennie came inside of one room she see Chaeyoung sitting there had tie in her hand they're holding her while sitting there because she might  run away from them

"Stand her up and remove her tie" The man order,when Chaeyoung stand up and look up from looking down she see Jennie

"Any last word Park" The man said but Chaeyoung shook her head in a no and just look at Jennie and smile painfully

After a while when Chaeyoung here the gun sound she close her eyes and a second later she felt so many bullet going and coming in her body, to head, stomach, heart, and every parts of her body

While Jennie just watch what they're doing to Chaeyoung because she can't do anything while tears dropping

The gun shot stop because they here the siren of police and so the man and her guard run away from the building

When they stop Chaeyoung look at Jennie and smile a little before falling on the ground

Jennie run to her and place Chaeyoung head in her lap and hug her while her tears keeps falling in to her eyes

" yo--u with me
*spit out blood*so--sor...ry i..f i ca--can't you wa..nt.."

"Shh don't talk too much the ambulance is gonna arrive okay your gonna survive ok just don't give up yet please" Jennie said while crying

*spit out of blood* al....always" Chaeyoung barely speak and after a while the hand that Jennie's holding loosen and her body totally collapse

"Chaeng please don't leave me!!" Jennie sobbed while shaking the blonde's body attempting to wake her up

"Pls don't leave me Chaeng" Keep sobbing until the ambulance arrive and get Chaeyoung in her hands when they arrive at the hospital they dicclare Chaeng a dead on arrival and for the first time Jennie see of what Chaeyoung do for her so she cry and cry until she past out

When Chaeyoung's family arrive at the hospital they all cry

When they prepare Chaeyoung's funeral they not allowed Jennie there because they all mad at her for not saving her and so Jennie can't do anything and didn't see Chaeyoung before she finally go so she just go to the apartment that once Chaeyoung and her use when they in relationship

End of flashback

I'm sorry i know i can't back the time now that you we're gone i don't know what to do because before your always there for me but now your not here by my side and sorry because i didn't CHOOSE WISELY.
People always say that you can see the worth of the person once she's not there with you anymore


You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel

Time passes.

Memories fade.

Feelings change.

People leave.




















End of the story

Thank you😙😙❤❤

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