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The large brown wolf stares down at me and I can't stop myself from shrinking under it's gaze and pushing myself back into the fallen tree. The wolf slowly steps closer to me as I try to keep eye contact with it. He stops over my legs and leans his head down to eye level with me. My heart is racing and I'd probably pee my pants if I hadn't gone before bed. The wolf huffs a breath into my face causing my hair to move. He straightens back up and walks towards the path to my house.

I sit up slightly watching the big dog walk away. He pauses at the path and looks back at me. The dog looks at me and the path and back to me. He must be trying to get me to follow him. But like it could be a trap. The dog sighs and sits down staring at me. Fuck man, I'm not going to look a gift horse (dog?) in the mouth and not follow him. I slowly push myself up trying not to make any sudden movements in case the wolf decides to turn on me and I die. Maybe I'm already dead. But this would be a weird ass limbo if I was dead.

I slowly approach the wolf and he gets back up and starts walking away from me. I quicken my pace to catch up and follow behind the beast as it walks through the brush. I hear wolves howling in the distance, it sounds nothing like the coyotes I'm used to hearing. I look down and follow the brown wolf as we make our way back to the homes. Coming up to the back fence of my house the wolf steps to the side and sits down staring up at me as I step out onto the dirt path. I look from the wolf to my house and the gate I left open for myself. I can't help but let out a sigh realizing I'm back safely. I feel a push against my thigh and I look down seeing the wolf nudging me forward and towards the gate.

"Alright, alright." I whisper, taking a step away from him. The dog steps back and looks up at me. "Thank you."

The wolf bows its head as if saying 'you're welcome' to me. I can't help but smile at the sight. I reach out instinctively and pat the wolf's head. The wolf freezes and so do I at my own stupidity.

"Sorry," I mumble and immediately book it into my backyard and away from the wolf. Upon closing the gate the wolf stares at me and is making a weird laugh kind of sound. Great, now a wolf thinks I'm stupid. I hang my head and head back to my room quickly hoping the embarrassment of making a fool of myself in front of a freaking dog doesn't carry with me into tomorrow and I can forget about it.

Reaching my door I look back and the wolf is still sitting there watching me. I wave goodbye to the wolf as I step into my room and see him nod and turn away. What in the fuck. That dog was more human than any pet I've ever had. I shut my door and immediately walk to the bathroom to wash the dirt off my feet. The events play over and over again in my head as I dry off my feet and head back into bed. Staring up at the dark ceiling I can't help but have questions about that wolf and why it saved me. Why would it make sure I made it back to my house safely? How did it even know where I lived? I drifted off to sleep thinking about the large brown wolf.


"GET UP!" I jolt awake to Jim yelling and banging on my door.

UGHHHHHHHHHH. I need my own place.

"We got shit to do today! Stop being lazy and get up!" Jim says knocking against my door roughly one more time for good measure.

I roll my eyes so hard that I might just feel the slight pressure of a lack of sleep induced headache coming on. I check the time on my phone and low and behold its ass o'clock in the morning on a Saturday. Aka it's 7:30 in the morning and I have high doubts Jim hasn't even bothered to get Derek up yet. I roll out of bed and grab some comfy clothes to get changed into in the bathroom. No use in fighting Jim if he decided he's going to be a little bitch today and it's not even 8 am. Which means its worse considering we just came from the west and its a three hour time difference so it would be 4:30 in the morning back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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