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The next morning was relatively uneventful until Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Snape had stormed into the room and with a flick of his wand he dramatically shut all the windows making the room darken.

"Turn to page three hundred and ninety four," he instructs as he pulls down a screen. "Where's Professor Lupin?" Harry asks looking back at Snape. "That is none of your concern," Snape said barely holding back a snap at him as he got to a projector.
"Is he sick?" Mirabel asks. "Ms Madrigal do you have the inability to mind your own business and refrain from playing a goody two shoes?" Snape asks. Mirabel makes a offended sound as she opens her book and turns to the page.

She furrows her brow in confusion when she saw the page. "Werewolves?" Ron asks confused. "But sir, we just covered carniverous pixies, we're not meant to start nocturnal creatures for a few weeks," Hermione said and Mirabel jumps seeing her in the seat in front of them. "When did you get there?" Ron asks and turns to Harry and Mirabel sitting next to each other. "Did you see her come in?" He asks them and they both shrugged their shoulders.

"I see we have another goody two shoes who also doesn't know when to stop asking annoying questions," Snape snaps at her and she gives a offended reaction as she got out her book as well.

Snape turned on the projection revealing a old caveman style drawing of men attacking what looked like a wolf on two legs. "Can anyone tell me the difference between a werewolf and a animagus?" Snape asks.

Hermione raises her hand and was ignored. "No one? How disappointing," he said. "Sir please, a animagus is a wizard that chooses to turn into a animal at will, a werewolf has no choice. A werewolf is someone affected by lycanthropy who changes under the full moon and have no control of their actions. They'd kill their family even," Hermione explains as Snape shows more depictions of werewolves throughout history.

"Minus five points Gryffindor for being a whiny know it all," Snape snaps at Hermione. "Would you rather someone give the incorrect answer?" Mira mutters with a eye roll. "Minus another five point Gryffindor," Snape said glaring at Mirabel who hides in her book.

"Now I expect there to be a two page essay on werewolves on my desk by tomorrow, envious on how to identify one," he said. "But sir it's quidditch tomorrow," Harry protests as the class groans. "Than I suggest you do it quickly Mr Potter," Snape said.

Reading her page Mirabel raises her hand and Snape audibly sighs in annoyance. "Yes Ms Madrigal?" He asks. "Is there a cure for werewolves?" She asks. "There are remedies," he answers. "But no cure?" Mirabel asks. "Did I say there was?" He asks her already tired of her questions. "What's the health care for them?" She asks. All heads looked at her except Hermione and Harry.

"Why would there be healthcare for werewolves? They're just like all the other vile and hideous monsters we learn about," Goyle said. "But only on full moons otherwise they're like any normal person it says so right here. If they're a danger to themselves and others than there should be some type of health care provided to them right?" She asks. "They can easily purchase their own remedies," Snape said. "If they can even get a job in the first place. What lunatic would hire a werewolf?" Crabbe asks and the class laughs.

"So they don't get healthcare and the remedies are expensive, but most of them are left in poverty? How is that fair?" Mirabel asks. "Life isn't fair Ms Madrigal," Snape answers her with mock pity. "It's not just unfair it's rigged!" She exclaims. "And what would you do about it? Make a cure yourself?" Snape asks mockingly. The class giggles at this, even Hermione seemed amused.

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