The "New Chick"

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Percy POV
I was back to the past. Standing over the ledge while Arachne's web pulled Annabeth down. My sweet wise girl. I still couldn't believe she had defeated Arachne. She had found the Athena Parthenos. Her hair was messed up and her makeshift cast for her broken ankle was muddy and grim but she still managed to look beautiful as ever.

I could feel my ADHD doing it's work. I was able to know everything going around. Leo and Frank were securing the statue while Jason flew Piper back to the Argo II. The huge warship hovered over the broken parking lot, two people standing on it. A huge hole was evident in the the ground, cars tumbling down into the hole that led straight to hell.

Nico and Coach Hedge were frantically securing the huge statue on the ship while Frank and Jason were know trying to lift her up there. I could feel myself being pulled down as my hands were wrapped around Annabeth's waist. None of the others knew about what was going on with me and Annabeth.

My mind made up its decision. I knew that according to Nico the Doors of Death were present in Tartarus. In order to actually close them one of us would have to go down there and close them. It had to be me. None of the others would go down there, my fatal flaw won't permit me to let them go.

I resisted to the pull a little longer while using my foot to remove the web from Annabeth's feet and let it attach to mine. No more worries about her falling down. Then I let go of her and shouted to my friends. "Clear the area. Go back on the ship. I'll hoist the statue up there."

I could hear Annabeth telling Jason to take her up first. It was all I ever wanted, she was going to be safe and that's all that mattered. Little did I know what was going on. I shot one glare at the people who were going to protest and they shut up and went back on board.

I then closed my eyes and felt around me. I had been spending my sleepless nights practicing my abilities though I never revealed them to any of the Seven. The air was laden with water vapour while water molecules littered the earth. I decided to use the air.

I called the water molecules to my command and they replied, pushing the statue of Athena with as much force as possible. The statue rose heading towards the ship with no support that was visible to anyone's eyes. The others were gawking at the display until it landed on board. Leo commanded Festus to secure the statue to the stables.

"Meet me on the other side Nico. Promise to take them there. I can't resist Arachne's pull for any longer. I'll be closing the gates from down there." Nico looked like he wanted to protest but nodded. Annabeth and the other's looked... relieved? I don't really know.

With that I allowed myself to fall into Tartarus one last sentence echoing in the earthian air, "I love you wise girl."

- Memory Over -

I woke up with tears rolling down my cheeks. Tartarus still haunted my dreams. Many things had happened over there. Things that I wouldn't like to recount. No one knew what had happened down there. I never told it to anyone. Not Jason, not Nico, not even Annabeth. I couldn't bring myself to recount all those things. There was also the fact that I was afraid that they would leave me.

I sat up and got ready. I wore a blue hoodie with black ripped jeans and white sneakers. A new necklace adorned my neck and a simple yet beautiful ring rested on my finger. Before you ask about it, no, I was not engaged to Annabeth. I planned on doing it after the second Giant war.

About 4 days ago my friends had arrived at the House of Hades in Epirus. I saw the shock on their faces when I arrived from the pit. Hazel and Leo were present fighting a wicked Giant shrouded with shadows. I would have helped them but the change in air caused me to black out. The last thing I saw was the rocky ground that I suppose I fell face-first into.

When I woke up I saw Annabeth's face. Her eyebrows were scrunched up and she had a worried expression with which she had fallen asleep. I had absolutely no idea how she managed to keep that expression even when she was asleep. I tried to get up quietly to which I failed. Annabeth woke up when she heard the sound of the glass that was by my bedside hitting the ground.

When she saw me she immediately asked Festus to call everybody to the main hall. Apparently Festus now had a voice. Annabeth laughed at my surprised expression when I heard Festus say, "Of course Annabeth. Is there anything else you would like?" She responded with a no, got me a glass of nectar and then we were off to the hall.

When I got in the entire crew was already present. They seemed to have come in rushing. Leo had a screwdriver in his hand and he looked like someone had poured a bucket of oil and grease on him. Frank and Hazel had apparently been looking for food as Frank held a plate of cookies and had quite a few stuffed in his mouth. Piper had her dagger in her hand and looked like she had showered with golden glitter aka monster dust. Jason had his sword in his hand and a bunch of feathers sticking out of him from random places.

When Jason saw my expression he grumbled, "Don't laugh." That immediately got me laughing. When he realised I was standing over there he rushed over to hug me. Leo shouted, "DOGPILE" and boom! A bunch of super powerful demigods practically jumped at me.

When I got up I then noticed a new guy, he was around the same age as Jason. He wasn't as tall as me but had a pretty good height. His poisonous green eyes stuck out while a mop of brown hair fell from his head. He nervously looked at me as if I were gonna attack him or something. I just went up to him put out my hand and said, "I am Percy Jackson otherwise known as Persassy Jackson." At this he cracked a smile and shook my hand. "Nathan Harcroft otherwise known as Nath."

We settled at the table and then I addressed the others, "So who is the new chick?" Leo cracked a smile while Hazel answered, "Son of Demeter. He was sent here by the gods in case you..." They all looked down. I understood what she meant. In case I died. Down in the pit.

"Hey guys it's fine. I'm still alive and all well, unless you count my sore back. Dam! It hurts so bad. Btw, we have any edible food on us?" Annabeth glared at me and I paled a little. "I mean do you have something I can eat." Annabeth passed me a bowl full of veggies. The horror! I had to eat them all.

But on the bright side I was back with my crew. Later I met Nico who had been sleeping. He hugged me and even cried a bit. Can you imagine. Neeks hugging me and then openly crying. What has the world come to! Next thing I know Piper would be wearing all pink. Gasp!

I was given the evening to adjust back to the ship. The next day the... what do we call ourselves? I really need to figure out a name. Maybe we will discuss this in the meeting. Right now I'll just have to say that we all came together for a meeting.

The first chapter is out. I am super excited for this book. Love ya all!!! Stay tuned for the next part.

Word Count : 1356

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