Not So Happy Family Reunion

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Early the next day, I was the only one awake. There was something in my head telling me I had to do this. I left the cave and started heading for my parents house. I had to fly there because if I walked there I would have been caught. Once I got to my parents house I saw that their car wasn't there. It was Saturday night, the night when they usually go out to dinner. I walked up to the front door and put a note on the door. it said:
Dear mom and dad,
It's me Sylvia. I know you saw me the other night at the boardwalk. I know you are wondering a lot about me and how I'm doing. If you guys want to talk to me meet me at the beach at 9 pm. I'm not really supposed to do this but, something was telling me I had to do this. Also just so you don't give your hopes up, I won't be going back home with you, no matter how much you want me to, I just can't. I will never be able to go back home with you, ever. See you soon. Also make sure your alone. Don't bring anyone. If you do, the boys will find out. DON'T BRING ANYONE.
Love, Sylvia
I know that note seemed a little harsh but it had to be. I needed to get my point through. So I started making my way to the beach and waited there till they showed up. I had to choose 9 pm because that's way earlier than the guys usually wake up, but I have to get back there before they do because it'll seem suspicious if I don't wake them up. I saw my parents pretty much running down the boardwalk toward the beach when they saw me. Once they got in front of me they both hugged me and I hugged them back. My mom started crying and my dad did too. After that is when all the questions came. First, my mom asked me where I've been for a whole year and who "kidnapped" me. I told her " I've been hiding for a year with 4 boys." Then my dad asked what were the 4 boys names. I told him that I couldn't and wouldn't tell him. Then my mom asked why I couldn't go with them. I told her " I can't go home with you guys because I'm in love and the boys are my new family." It broke my heart to say that straight up but it was true. I was not going to lie. Them my dad asked if they were forcing me to stay with them. I told him "No, they are not forcing me to stay with them, I'm staying with them willingly. Then the last question was from my mom and it was very hard to answer. She asked when they could see me again. I told her " I was lucky enough to even talk to you guys right now. I won't be able to talk or see you guys ever again." I looked down at my feet because I couldn't bare to see them upset. They were both crying. I told them I had to go. They both hugged me again but for a little longer this time. Once I knew they were gone I stood there for a moment thinking about what I did. It felt like everything was lifted off my chest. I knew I did the right thing. After that moment I started walking back to the cave to get ready to wake the boys up.

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