Why Should I Find Faith?

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Life is a funny thing. There are highs and there are lows. For some, there are more of the highs, but for most people, there might be more of the lows. But the one thing that is constant for most people is watching the sun coming up and the sun going down. But what if someone were to tell you that there is a person that controls the sun coming up and the sun going down? You probably would use science to try to explain why and how the sun comes up and down everyday. This is where I want to introduce "faith." Faith, in one dictionary mentioned two key words in the definition, trust and confidence. Most times our experience with trust can be very limited and deceiving. Hard to trust people in this world. Lets say you had a 100 million dollars in cash, do you have someone you trust to hold it without spending a penny of it? If you do, they sure must have some strong will power. What about confidence? That's worst than trust because everyone in this world sometime or another loses confidence. Some women wear makeup to look better. Some say it gives them confidence. Men workout in gyms to feel more confident. Looking bigger and feeling stronger gives some men confidence. What if I tell you there is such a person who you can trust and have confidence in? A person that will always have your back. It is going to be very hard to grasp that notion and statement. That is why it's hard to have faith. In our public environment, to talk about faith will lead to fights and possibly war. So in this book, I want to share some possibilities and convictions I have, hopefully for you, it will make you think and ponder about my statements and notions. I am not a pastor or priest, but I want to share my faith and my beliefs with you. Let's just hope we don't start World War III.

Chapter 1: Taking the first step

One of my all-time favorite movie trilogies is called, "Indiana Jones." In the third movie of the series, "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusades," there comes a point in the movie where the main character has to have faith to cross-over from one cliff to another. In between the two cliffs is a pitt and a huge hole. The main character takes a leap of faith to cross-over by believing that there in a invisible bridge in between the two cliffs. To die and take a chance? Believing in a invisible bridge? To start, faith starts by believing and taking a risk. Taking a chance. A gamble. Why take the gamble? Why take the chance? Because if you do, you will be paid beyond our wildest imagination. Ultimate payout. So lift your foot and get ready to step on the invisible bridge to meet our maker.

Chapter 2: Where will faith take me?

When someone is willing to have faith and take that ultimate step on the invisible bridge, where will that bridge take me? Before I tell you where faith will take you, having faith has some bonuses. First, you automatically become confident. Second, your life changes beyond explanation (but I will try to explain later). Third, you will receive peace and joy in your life. A new level of joy that makes you smile 24/7. Lastly, the ultimate payout is why we need to have faith, the knowledge and wisdom to succeed in this world. You won't need things like: 4 leaf clovers, lucky horseshoes, lucky charms, or rabbits foots. Because faith pays out in huge sums. It's like winning the lottery without buying a ticket.

Chapter 3: Understanding the components to the Christian faith.

Before cashing in the lottery ticket, you need to know the location to cash the lottery ticket. The Christian faith has 5 components. First is God,

second is Jesus, third is the Holy Spirit, fourth is faith (trusting and having confidence), lastly is giving yourself to The Lord. Everything is free of charge and doesn't cost anything.

In the Christian faith, God is our creator. Scientists believe that man evolved from monkeys. I believe this to be totally false because a human being cannot mate with a monkey. DNA just doesn't match.

After you decide on taking a chance on faith, you need to pray. First prayer should be very simple and from the heart. Exampl

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2013 ⏰

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