Chapter 6

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I blinked my eyes open to the middle of Aaron’s sentence. “-enough now. No more we can't allow you to continue like this Evie...”

I guessed I had been drifting in and out for a while without comprehension.

I was aware that we were moving, but not of how or why. I was flat on my back with my feet on his lap, above we was a soft white fabric pushed into a curve by a metal infrastructure that I could just seeking peeking out as it met with a sheet of glass behind my head. I rolled my head to the side to see further and instantly regretted it as my stomach pitched and rolled. I clamped my eyes tight shut to stop the world from spinning around me.

A slight groan echoed between my lips and Aaron finally broke off his ramble. “Are you even listening?”

I said nothing and pulled my hands up to grip my head as the vertigo began to abate I dared to open one eye. My ear was flat against cool leather, it felt nice against my burning skin. In front of me was more leather, pale alabaster, stretching up and curving round. It became increasingly clear as I looked around further that we were in a car. I looked toward the front seats to see Scorpious driving and another miscellaneous lost boy in the passenger seat.

“Where are you taking me?” I croaked finding that my voice was harsh and my mouth dry. Whenever I used my voice a sharp stabbing pain would sink down my windpipe as though I had swallowed a knife blade.

“We've told you countless times, we're taking you to Fallon.”

I wanted to ask more but I didn’t dare speak again. I rolled my eyes around the confines of the cars cabin, it was all leather, chrome and smooth fabric. My neck was bent at an awkward angle to lean against the arm rest and my legs were bent at the knee with my feet on Aaron’s lap so I would fit lengthways along the back seat.

My muscles were cramping from laying in such an unnatural position for so long, the nausea was building again and now that I had noticed the pain in my throat I found it impossible to ignore.

I shut my eyes again wishing that the car journey was almost over and we had covered most of the ground whilst I was sleeping.

“Only two miles to go.” Scorpious cheered from the front, I refused to open my eyes again and simply twitched my lips in acknowledgement.

The minutes ticked by painfully slowly until finally the car came to a sudden halt. As it did so my body was thrown forward jarring my already twisted muscles. I cried out in pain and curled my arms over my head to protect myself.

“Sorry!” Scorpious murmured as he opened the car door. He got his arms under mine and slowly pulled me up and out away from the floor of the car. He changed his grip on me when we were out in the open hoisting me up into his arms and cradling me there like a child.

My couldn't take this and I twisted out of his grip landing on my knees in the dirt. I gripped my heaving stomach and tried to suppress the acid burning its way up my throat. I hadn’t eaten in days and my stomach was void of anything, all that was left was bile.

I felt strong hands holding my shoulder upright, pulling my hair out of my face and holding it there.

“Fallon can fix this.” Someone murmured it may well have been the one I didn't know the name of.

“He should be here already.” Another grumbled.

“He is.” The first voice replied.

I couldn't hear anything over my wretches and groans but I could tell from there body language that someone was approaching.

My vision was tunnelled to the gravel beneath my knees but a movement just in front this caught my eye. A new pair of knees coming to sit opposite me.

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