Chapter 17

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Hadrian had met with the coucil to decide Maria's punishment,it was only because of a cold one named Jasper Witlock's gift they were able it control the newborns,hence not causing huge body count.This was one of the reason council was not sure how to tackle the situation the women didn't break the law fully.The problem was some of them were just teens who were forcefully turned and another was she was getting too greedy and now have eyes on the covens nearby which is not something Chronos could look away from.Also the practice of creating Newborn army was banned,which Maria seems to have ignored.

Kate was with Hadrian as hse asked"Did you sent the warning letter?"

Hadrian shoot his head and replied"No,I decided to visit her myself,idiots like her will just throw  it away.It seems just like Benito, power has gone into her head."

Kate shrugged and added"That women is greedy from what I have heard she killed one of her companions."

Hadrian did deny she killed her companion Nettie,
but it was because of Nettie wanting to overthrow Maria and take over the leadership.But by the looks of it Maria had already planned to kill them from the start.But Lucy has already ran away.

Kate shook her head as she felt bad for most of these idiots chose this path,While both soon visited the base of Maria it was ranch.Hadrian could see many cold ones who were acting as guards coming in their direction.

One of grunts questioned"Who are you?"Hadrian simply released some of his magical pressure,which caused all of them to step back on fear.Hadrian with glowing green eyes said"I want to meet your coven leader Maria."

The cold one who was the right hand of Jasper,Peter this he knew this person was not someone to be messed with.

Peter was tall,dark hair and a lean body. As a human-feeding vampire, he has red eyes as he said"We will take you to Maria."he had good instincts and could tell fighting him was bad idea, the fact the fight would be one sided.

Next to him was his mate Charlotte petite build,4 inches taller, and her short,spiky hair which is brown in color.Peter was mainly trying to avoid the fight,due to Charlotte presence.He never do something to endanger his mate.

As both of them took them Maria who was curious seeing them,with that she questioned"I heard you wanted to see me,so may I ask who are you?"
Hadrian replied"I am Hadrian Peverell a member of  Chronos."

Maria kept a calm facade,but on the inside she was slightly nervous.She reminded herself of the fact she now had an army.Maria internally thought"Also they have only brought two members,which means they are underestimating me.This could work in my favor."

Maria with fake smile asked"What can I do for you?"

Kate bluntly spoke up"You where told creating newborn armies were forbidden.Also your so called recruiting of soldier were noticed."

Maria internally knew Chronos won't let her go as she smiled and asked"Is that so?"

Maria raised her hand signaling her army to attack,but the next the moment all of them froze in their place.Maria knew something was wrong,she immediately turned to Jasper who sped towards Hadrian only to find himself fall the ground.

Hadrian had cast Petrificus Totalus, or the Full Body-Bind,on Jasper causing his arms and legs snapped together, and he fell down, stiff as a board. However, Japser found out he could still hear, see, feel, and think properly.

Maria was now trembling in fear as Hadrian pitied Jasper the boy was manipulated as he looked at Jasper and said"Brat she is using you,she is not your mate she just wants your power.She already has been planning to kill you after all you have grown powerful beyond belief."

Hadrian projected some of Maria memories,Jasper was not shocked in the back of his mind he knew to Maria he was just a pawn or puppet.He foolishly held hope that one day she would reciprocate his feelings.

Hadrian then looked at Maria who quickly kneeled and said"Please give me one chance,I would do anything for you."

Hadrian with sneer said"I hate manipulate bastards and bitches."

Maria knew she was done,she was not foolish to fight back at such a powerful opponent,her only regret was"I should have taken Lucy's warning seriously."

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