I: Light in the Forest

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Horror's POV:

Ever since Nightmare had recruited us, Dust, Killer, and I, Horror, Nightmare wasn't doing so bad as he was before. Not like I would know how he was before, only people like Killer who has known him when he first became as powerful as he is now knows, and we all sure as hell know he doesn't like talking about it.

All I know is that he was some victimized skeleton like all of us were before gaining the power he deserved.

Nightmare isn't a bad dude like everyone thinks he is. He's just.. lost. To me at least. It seems like he is always searching for something, but he doesn't know what. When we ask, all he claims is power over all of the multiverse, but I can't help but seem like there is more.

Although, I don't focus too much on him. I only seemed to join because.. well, I don't think I could have stayed in my own AU any longer without dusting. Nightmare technically saved me. Even if I'm not technically free, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy where I am now.

Nor does that mean I don't enjoy the people I spend every day with. I mean, I wouldn't call them family, as I'm still not trusting enough to consider anyone that. Yet, they are the best I could ever ask for. Side help such as Error, Cross, and multiple others are people I'm not super close to, but my two buds Killer and Dust are the people I spend most of my time with.

Killer is always down to hang, enthusiastic to do anything. Dust, well, he is really fun to be around too but he doesn't seem to show much emotion towards it. I can never tell if he is enjoying himself or not.

Not only that, but he has never asked anyone to hang out. We often have to ask him. I've never hung out with him alone, and private missions don't count. Killer or someone else is always with us, and if we ever were alone, he insists to have someone join us. It kind of worries me... maybe he doesn't like me? Or doesn't trust me enough to be with me alone? I mean, I can understand that. I am, well, horrifying. Heh, horror-ifying.

Besides, it is clear that Dust has some major trust issues. We all do, but it took a while for him to even speak up when he first joined. I joined a little tiny bit after Dust did. That's when we all treated each other as enemies, not knowing one another, but it is different now.

I've always wanted to get closer to him... Not that I'm so trusting myself, but maybe just get to know him a little more. I.. have the tendency to help him. Maybe opening up could help him. He seems to be dealing with some baggage. We all are, or have, but he might have a harder time recovering.

I feel a sudden clank in my skull, flinching in surprise. I rubbed my head a bit before reaching in my skull from the hole through my head, pulling out a peanut butter cookie in a plastic baggie. Then out of know where, a black eyed skeleton with dry stains down his cheeks sits down on the couch to the right of me where I too am sat. He nudges me.

"Saw you spacin' out, and the only thing that gets your attention is food, so I volunteered to do the honors." Killer said, as if announcing it, with a slick grin plastered on his face. I snickered.

"What happened to all the chocolate chips?" I asked, yet wasn't ungrateful for the peanut butter cookie. Chocolate chip is just more satisfying to munch on. I'll eat pretty much anything. And I mean it when I say anything.

"Error and Cross took the rest. Pretty sure Error just took the last few. Y'know how big they are on anything chocolate." Killer shrugged, frowning a bit. Everyone in the gang was fond of the common chocolate chip cookies. Dust would only eat them if they were dark chocolate. He doesn't like anything too sweet.

Speaking of Dust, there he sat in an armchair a small length away from the couch. He was on his phone.

We only use our phones for communication or searching, as we didn't find anything significant in mobile games or other activities. Dust had a fond for reading on his phone, which is the only thing he uses it for pretty much, but most of the time he reads the books from library of where we stay.

We were all relaxing on the couches, Nightmare was most likely in his office or speaking with other acquaintances. He usually did whatever he wanted. He's the boss.

The three of us just recently got done with our missions for the week. Dust and I went on a mission just the two of us could handle, while Killer was assigned to run errands. Dust and I have agreed that Nightmare trusts Killer the most out of our gang we have here. Maybe because he was the first. We don't really know what he goes out and does for Nightmare, but we just focus on our job and he focuses on his.

Dust puts down his phone, before getting up. He then began walking up the stairs where our rooms were.

"Night Dusty!" Killer chirped, waving to Dust.

Dust didn't react, besides turning around for a second to look back at Killer as a response. He then focuses his attention on me, and our eyes met for a second. I didn't know if he was expecting something, so I too raised my hand.

"See you Dust." I said.

He bit his lip, quickly turning back around. I could never detect how he was feeling, so of course I didn't have a clue why he did that, but I didn't question as it has been normalized over the couple of months that have passed.

"Night." He responded, letting the word slip from his mouth before continuing to his bedroom until he was out of sight.

Killer didn't seem fazed, and returned back to what he was focusing on before. I, on the other hand, couldn't stop staring at the spot where I had last seen Dust. I guess I was just thinking about him. Killer snapped me out of it soon afterwards.

It was soon time to sleep. Dust, of course, seemed to have went to bed earlier. He goes to sleep more earlier than us. Like, a lot more earlier.

Killer and I exchanged our goodbyes, and went to our designated rooms. Although, for the first time in awhile, I couldn't seem to sleep. Something was stuck in my mind, but it wasn't clear what it was..

I can't fall asleep because I can't stop thinking about something I don't know. Fantastic.

I got up from my covers and went to the one window in my mini room. My room wasn't too small. The others say its 'me sized'. Keep in mind, I'm a big guy, bigger than a lot of sanses.

I leaned against the window seal, opening the window a crack just to get some of the fresh night air. The air was always cooler and peaceful when nighttime fell.

Although, that's when I noticed something unfamiliar. A light in the woods, say about light blue. Although, once my eyes laid upon it, it went out. I was filled with confusion, before I saw someone come out from between the trees onto our grass. I.. couldn't spot who it was. I felt fear, like I need to warn someone. Someone could be trying to ambush us. It wouldn't be the first time. Yet, once the skeleton teleported, I heard a door open and close down the halls where the others' rooms would be.

So it's someone in the mansion? So they aren't a threat, right?
I decided.. to sleep on it. I'll investigate tomorrow.

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