Famous Last Words

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**3rd person because I dunno who to make it this part DUNZ HURT MEH**

Gerard slung his bag over his shoulder.

"Where the fuck are you going, Mr. Way?" Pete called from the living room. Mikey had invited him over to play video games while Gerard was getting ready to go over to Frank's house, with Frank himself, who had insisted of going with Gerard home. Turns out, Frank's place was only a block away. Good call.

"Somewhere called 'None of your fucking business'." Gerard replied. "You should go there some time, Wentz."

Frank snorted.

"Shut up! I'm trying to concentrate!" Mikey pleaded.

Gerard chuckled and rolled his eyes. Typical Mikey to break the fight and whine.

"Welp, I'll be back whenever. Dunno exactly." He waved at the younger teens, their attention strictly focused on the bright screen. "Bye, Mikes! Bye, Pete!"

"Bye guys!" Frank called as he followed Gerard out the door.

"Bye!" They chorused. Gerard raised an eyebrow as he shut the door.

They finally approached Frank's house after a good five minutes of awkward silence. The front lawn was nicely kept, the grass still rich in color, small dandelions and daisies popping along the fence and around the house. The house itself was a bright sunny yellow with a shining white door. It looked clean and beautiful, too. It seemed to spread a positive aura to anyone who walked by.

Frank walked up to the door, took out his keys, unlocked it, and went inside.

**Mikey's POV**

"How the fuck are you beating me?! I was right fucking ahead of you!" Pete shouted. The two were playing a classic game of Mario Kart. Pete was Yoshi and Mikey was Toad.

Mikey giggled, happy he was beating Pete. "Get better." He said as Toad crossed the finish line and won.

Pete slammed the controller on the floor as he stood. "WHAT THE FUCK?" He shouted

Mikey smirked. "Does the widdle baby need his widdle bottle?" He teased.

"Shut up."

"Just trying to lighten the mood."

Pete sat back down on the floor, closer to Mikey than he was before, their thighs brushing. Mikey felt shivers travel down his spine. Why was he feeling this way with someone he never had actually known until today? Mikey shrugged it off, not wanting to be bothered. He remembered his birthday was in six days. Would Pete perhaps do something? Mikey doubted it. They barely knew each other anyways.

Without expecting it, he felt Pete's hands traveling up to his glasses, gently brushing his sharp jawline, giving him shivers, and slowly pulled them off, smiling.

"What the fuck...?"

Pete smirked. "Shush, you look better that way." His smirk turned into a grin.

"I'm blind, you asshole." Mikey blinked repeatedly, but the living room was still a bit of a blur.

Pete rolled his eyes. "I said shush."

Mikey felt his heart pound loudly and faster. "Okay..."

"Mikey. Shut. Up. And don't say 'okay'."


"Oh, fuck you." Pete laughed.

Mikey bit his lip, his heart heavy as he heard Pete's laugh. It sounded heavenly.

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