Chapter 2 - Two Weeks

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After what felt like hours, the group was finally settled down either on couches or their bedrolls. Legend was eager to finally get some extended privacy with Ravio to discuss what was bothering him.

"Alright, you know the rules. Bathroom's down the hall. You break it, you buy it. Don't touch anything that looks magical because it is likely cursed. And DON'T bother Ravio and I in the night unless the house is on fire... actually in addition to that, no fires."

"Link... you don't have to be so harsh. You really think they'll break the merchandise or cause a fire?"

"Have you met the kids here?" Twilight chuckled and gestured in the general direction of Wind, Wild and Hyrule.

"Hey!" Wild defended himself.

"Excellent! I am glad that's settled," Legend agreed, "Now, goodnight." He was anxious to make sure Ravio was okay. What worry could he be holding onto that dampened his mood so much to prevent him from excitingly sharing all the details of the new things he learned while Legend was gone? This was tormenting him. To anyone else it may have been annoying but Legend longed for every second of Ravio's hour long tangents. Whether they were on the history of the ocarina or the properties of a unique, magical gem, he just enjoyed hearing his partner's safe and happy voice.

There was a collection of goodnights from the rest of the chain. Sheerow cheeped and flew from his perch on the window sill to Ravio's shoulder. Legend and Ravio merged hands and went to their bedroom.

Once there, Sheerow left the two behind to settle into his colourful yarn nest. Their bedroom was cozy but just as eclectically organized as the rest of the house. The bed was a clash of purple and pink sheets and pillows, the headboard a built-in bookshelf to store even more of Ravio's books. On top the headboard was Sheerow's nest and a small tropical flower not yet in bloom. The bedside tables weren't even tables. They were chests filled with mementos from Legend's travels. On the opposite wall, squeezed next to the wardrobe was a piano. The piano rack was covered in Ravio's sheet music. The curtains were closed to express their full, characteristic charm. They were made from old bedsheets and tunic fabric scraps and decorated with strings of beads.

Legend closed the door and turned to face his love. Ravio's face was filled with worry at this point. Legend raced to his side and led him to the bed. He held his partner's hands close to his heart.

"Please tell me what has you so worried, my bunny," Legend whispered as he placed a kiss on Ravio's hands.

Tears started to well in his eyes.

"Ravio?" he said softly. Legend lowered their hands to their laps and then brought one of his to cup Ravio's cheeks.

Ravio began to shake as anxious thoughts overtook his mind. Then the merchant began crying. Legend immediately pulled him into a hug and drew circles on his back.

"Shh, it's okay. I'm here now, Ravio. I'm sorry I was gone for so long but now we're together. Neither of us are leaving."

These words only made Ravio sob harder into Legend's shoulder.

"Please don't be upset with me. I love you! I hate that I have to always be away from you. I'm so sorry."

Ravio pushed away, "No! I'm not upset over that!" He was struggling to speak through the tears. "I-I would never be upset over your hero duties."

Legend was a bit shocked. Unsure of what to say next, he grabbed Ravio's hands once again. He hoped this could bring him some comfort.

"It's just-" Ravio started.

Legend gave a reassuring nod.

"I have to move back to Lorule permanently," he sniffled.

"WHAT?" Legend shouted and shot up in surprise.

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