First Encounter

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Being the new student at a college so far from home is never easy but as I walk down the hall of my new college dorm, I think to myself "was this a mistake?". I left home in such a rush with no real thought of what would happen when I got out. I just needed to go.

My parents have controlled every aspect of my existence for as long as I can remember. What I ate, where I went, who my friends were and lastly the man that I would spend the rest of my life with. They had my wedding dress all picked out and I panicked.

Being from Columbia, the farthest college I found was in America, more specifically in a small town called spring valley, I fell in love with all the pictures I had seen online due to its small population of just under 1500 residents and the fact that it's surrounded by nothing more than mountains and trees, it's the perfect hideout spot.

I applied in secret and danced with joy when I got in, I packed 2 nights ago and fled quietly under the cover of the night. I left my phone so they can't track me, and I have no intentions of ever going back.

As I continue to think back to the days where my parents controlled every aspect of my life, I am knocked down by a very big boy. Not a boy a man. I look up as I scramble to my knees and suitcase hit the floor, the first thing I notice are his gray colored eyes. I have never seen eyes that color before and its mesmerizing, almost as if they can see straight into your soul, he was tall, I would guess around 6 ft and he was built, I can see the muscles below his snug fitting sweater. The rest of him was built the same way, big and strong he was all muscle.

"OH! Um, I am so sorry, I was not paying attention to where I was going" I stutter as I begin to collect my belongings off the floor. "No worries angel" he says in a low husky voice that makes my face feel flush and sends tingles all the way down between my thighs.... taking me by Suprise being the unexperienced virgin I am. 

He bends down and picks up my suite case, then offers his hand to help me off my knees. As I slip my hand in his I can't help but notice how smooth and warm his hand feels, I also notice how big his hand is compared to mine. "Thanks" I murmur so low that I am not sure if he heard me until he says, "Your very welcome Angel", Ugg why does he have to call me that, all it does is continue to make that space between my legs tingle with more urgency.

"What's your name Angel?" he asked "Sophia" I answered. "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he said as my cheeks flamed red. "What's yours?" I asked. My giant new friend answered "Bane". "I don't think I have ever met a Bane before" I answered with a giggle. He grinned and said, " I know I have never met an angel yet here you are". I blushed again as he stared at me with those beautiful grey eyes of his.

As I started to take my suitcase from him, he simply asked "where are you going, I can help you carry this", I pointed to the last door down the hall and he turned, and we fell into the same step as we walked together.

We reached the door to my new room, and I looked up at him and said "this is me" as he gazed down at me with a look I did not understand. I reached for my suitcase, which he was still hold, and our hands touched I swear it was as if there was a current between us and it almost felt like I wanted to stay trapped in it forever. "I will see you soon Angel" he whispered so low that I thought I imagined it until he grinned and started walking back down the hall we had just come from.

As I turned the doorknob and pushed the door open the first thing that greeted me was some guy's butt cheeks and by the way the girl underneath him was moaning, he was quite good at what he was doing, I shrieked and the girl underneath him screamed "oh my god!" as she scrambled on the bed to cover herself. The guy did not have a shy bone in his body as he stood up in all his naked glory and said, " nice to meet you I'm Liam and this is my girlfriend Morgan, you must be the new roommate?" 

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