Time is forever frozen still

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Kara doesn’t know what she’s going to say to Lena or how exactly she’s going to bring it up. She also doesn’t know how to explain why the entire situation is making her insides feel warm and fluttery. But she tries not to dwell on it too much as she stands in line to pick up doughnuts from their favourite place downtown before heading to meet Lena after work.

Tuesday nights have become their nights, where Lena promises to be off work early and Kara tells J’onn not to call her in for Supergirl stuff unless it’s a real emergency, and the two of them watch cheesy romantic comedies and make fun of how unrealistic they are whilst consuming their body weights in Chinese food and doughnuts.

Kara looks forward to Tuesdays more than any other day of the week.

But today she’s nervous because she knows she has to talk to Lena about what happened this morning and every time she thinks about it, the butterflies in her stomach are back.

Lena had been having problems with her phone and weird codes had been popping up all the time, so she’d asked Winn to take a look at it for her, in case someone had planted a virus or a bug on it. Winn had managed to remove the problem pretty easily, but in doing so he’d had to remotely scan each file on it individually, and whilst doing that he’d found a folder, labelled with a single pink heart emoji which was full of candid pictures of Kara that Lena had taken.

Kara eating pancakes with her hair up and her pyjamas on from a Sunday morning a few months back when Lena had stayed over, staring adoringly at her plate. Kara grinning at the TV from a couple of weeks ago, her eyes wet with tears of laughter at whichever comedy they’d been watching. Kara bending down to pet a cat on the street whilst they walked to work together last week, her smile soft.

Winn had cleared his throat awkwardly and left Kara to scroll through the rest, and Kara was glad because she knows she wouldn’t have been able to explain the blush on her cheeks to anyone.

If she had looked back, she’d have seen the knowing smile on his face as he glanced back at her before leaving the room.

Kara’s spent the rest of the day thinking about the pictures, about if the pictures mean something, how to bring it up with Lena, or if she should bring it up with Lena at all.

Kara knows she’s had a crush on Lena since… forever. But she has no idea if Lena feels the same. And she doesn’t want to hope that the pictures mean something, but she inevitably hopes that they do anyway. Because having a crush on your best friend is kind of painful sometimes, and it would really be the best thing ever if said best friend felt the same way.

“Are you alright?” Lena asks, because Kara hasn’t been paying attention to the movie at all, and Lena knows this for a fact because neither has she; she’s been watching Kara instead, like always.

She’d known something was up the moment Kara met her after work, but so far, Lena hasn’t been able to get her to tell her what it is.

Lena really can’t concentrate on anything, knowing that Kara isn’t herself.

“I’m fine!” Kara says loudly, and both she and Lena are taken aback by how weird her voice sounds.

Kara clears her throat and smiles awkwardly. “I mean, I’m fine,” she says again, a little more normally.

Lena narrows her eyebrows and tilts her head to the side questiongly.

“No. Don’t. Don’t you do that. Don’t you do that thing with your eyes that you always do that makes me tell you things. It’s not fair. Lena, stop. I’m serious,” Kara babbles, covering her face with her hands.

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