part III

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After all this, the Goddess Danu visited the Tree and  she was pleased with her children's work: 

"Bless you and thank you, for rescuing my children. You have done well my son and daughter and I shall name this tree Mollaphi Crann, guardian tree of this land. As one you have loved and now as one you shall rule."

"Thank you dear Mother, I shall tend to this forest with all my heart and spirit. However, there are enemies among us. For when we were two and not One, a maiden hath broken her oath to the Crone and she will send her army to chasten the girl with a burning coal." 

"Have no fear little one, but faith. I will protect you." 

Danu turned to the rest of the forest and said, "Your savior needs you to defend her; not with your claws, teeth and thorns but with the same force of life that resurrected you. Let every spore of pollen, every piece of fruit carry a spark of passion that set fire pure and melt their frozen hearts. Then let them have desires for the first person they see. Let their anger, be replaced by love." 

Back at the temple, the Crone had gathered her students. 

"Sisters, we have been betrayed by our youngest member! She has broken the oath, I can sense it, and has given her heart to animals and trees instead of the people. She perverts our good name with her filthy desires. Let us take vengeance and bring her to justice! Go and bring me the slut, I have the hottest coal saved for her." 

So off went her armies of witches into the forest, with torches, swords and chains to capture Mollaphi. To their surprise, the woods were revived and rang with life. As they marched through the shrubs and trees, fibers from the leaves and spores from the flowers were inhaled by their angry breathing. Soon, the aphrodisiac took effect and the witches bursted with desire. They took a look at each other and dropped their weapons. Then, after they shed their barriers of animal skin they could no longer keep each other out, nor did they try. Instead, embraced each other's naked body.

Then the Mollaphi Crann approached them, "Sisters, behold the gift of our Mother Goddess. No longer should you fear and suppress what you feel, but embrace it. I was once like you, I despised the art of sex, but now I revel in its power. Come drink from my flowers' nectar, eat of my fruit and you will be able to heal the rest of the land." So they did, and became the protectors and servants of the Mollaphi Crann. 

And so lived on the sacred forest of love, which provided a place for all beings to court and mate in safety of the Crone. It is now a special hidden place, where the young can go to consecrate their love, protected from the prudes of their days. For those who are truly in love, the sweet fruits they eat and the fragrant flowers they sniff enhance the passion they experience. As for the lusty and those who seek to disturb love making, the fruits and flowers distract them with sexual desires of the closest thing to them. 

So have heart, ladies and gents, know that Mother Nature is looking out for you. Have no shame, but indeed heed the wisdom of your soul.

Long Live our Youth!!!!  


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