[Y/N]'s Arrival - Episode 1, Segment 1.

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Following the events of cappy town, It was a Sunday and the sun was rising, and the cappies were awakened.

Tiff and Tuff's parents allowed them out to play, and Tiff and Tuff both knocked on Kirby's door, which Kirby heard and then approached to open.

Kirby said, tilting his head, "Poyo?" "Hey, Kirby! We've been wondering whether you'd want to join us for some fun!" Tiff spoke out, and Tuff nodded from behind tiff. "poyo!" Kirby exclaimed, bouncing up and down and grinning. "That better translates to a yes." Tuff muttered, and Tiff and Tuff both chuckled.

Tiff grabbed Kirby's hands and they both dashed to the open field, "Hold on.. I'm coming!" Tuff said, walking in a normal pace.

Soon enough, they were playing tennis on the plain field, using rackets out of sticks and a old tennis ball that was found in a dumpster.

Tiff and Tuff teamed up, and there were two sides: tiff and Tuff on one side, and kirby on the other. "Woah kirby," tiff exclaimed when Kirby kicked the tennis ball with such power that tiff and tuff both failed horribly and fell over because they both banged into one other, and the tennis ball was so high up that it dropped and crashed through Kirby's house window.

Kirby froze in shock. "I'll.. uh- get the ball." tuff said silently, and then walked to Kirby's house.

"Kirby, you're doing a great job." Meta knight said, from somewhere in cappy town, looking at the big open field that they were playing in, After nightmare enterprises was destroyed, everyone was celebrating and planned a party for 6 p.m., but Dedede and Escargoon were not invited and they were remaining in the castle.

this party was especially celebrated for a big thanks to Kirby..

it was going all decent, until.. it was when after tuff retrieved the tennis ball, tiff noticed a dark big circled shadow surrounding her radius, and it got darker, "tiffy, look OUT!" Tuff said, pushing tiff out of the way.. "poyo" kirby said. suddenly a starship crashed in the middle of the field, and it was when all of them 3 were surrounding it.. "another starship!?" tuff said, removing the science.

"This early?" tiff inquired, completing tuff's statement. "Who's inside?" Tiff said. Kirby knocked on the starship's entrance, and a puffball bounced off to the ground, Everyone was stunned, and the puffball appeared to be unconscious. "POYO!" Kirby yelled. "Hello?" tiff said, her finger brushing across the puffball. "They could be unconscious," Tuff remarked, "so get them elsewhere."

The puffball had a dark blue colour skin, similar to Meta Knight's. Speaking of Meta Knight, he hurried over to Tiff and Tuff. "Another puffball?" Says one of the cappies. "Sure is," meta knight replied, his yellow eyes flickering from yellow to green and back to yellow. "What is their story, i thought defendless star warriors went extinct." questioned meta knight.

Tiff carries the puffball in both of her hands, while tuff is behind her, and then tiff walks to cappy town to get the puffball to her bedroom.. all while tuff is following her and Kirby is holding hands with tuff.. everyone around tiff and tuff is still stunned.. and meta knight is just watching.

Tiff asked their parents if it was acceptable if they placed the puffball in their room and waited till they woke up.. Their parents nodded, "Okay." and then left them go about their day. Soon they were in Tiff's room, putting the puffball on her bed and covering her with a blanket. "If you wake up, I'll see you," she remarked as she went out of the room with tuff and Kirby.

[Y/N]'s POV:

I woke up in a unfamiliar place, how did i get here, and plus what I last remembered was that my starship went out of control, and no matter any buttons I press, it just doesn't work.. and then somehow something hit me unconscious probably cause the starship was dropping too fast.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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